Friday, February 13, 2009

Guess when....

Ok, people, my granddaughter is LATE. But then, she is a female, and as my Dad used to say, women are usually late.

So, to relieve the boredom, let's guess when she will arrive, and how much she will weigh. Be specific with your times, because if the Bump has not arrived by Wed, she will be induced at 6pm. So she should be here by Thursday at the latest. I wonder if she will have red hair??????

And the one who is closest will win a mystery prize!! A mystery, because I have yet to think of what it will be, but you may rest assured, it will be good.

So go on then, GUESS!!


Susan said...

Not guessing but my last child was late and it is so hard on everyone but especially the Mom. I got so tired of people saying, "Haven't you had that baby YET?". I vowed to NEVER say that to a pg mom and I never have. When she get's here, it won't matter a bit anyway!!!
The verification word on this comment is "grans"!!!!

Dawn said...

Sunday, 2:17 p.m. - the day of the week and time Kristen was born. She was early, too, and Kev was born on his due date. Go figure! I really was lucky.

The verification word for me today is "blesse" - they just needed to add a "d"

Edith said...

I say Sunday 11:27 pm. Oh and probably 7lbs 5 oz.

Needled Mom said...

Guess my last comment did not come through. Cyber bullies????

I can see this will be better anyway because my word is "blessed" with the "D". Isn't that interesting? My first word was "protemed." I seldom get a word that is actually a word so I think that this is a very good sign.

I am guessing that she will arrive on Monday morning at 2:35 a.m. and weigh 7# 6oz. How many "stone" is that?

Margaret Cloud said...

Saturday the 14th at 2:36 pm, I am wrong because I am awful at guessing things. Have a Happy Valentine's day and maybe the little bundle will be a Valentine's baby, I have my fingers crossed. Oh yes and the weight will be 6 lbs. 7 1/2 oz.

Vee said...

Monday, February 16 at 12:29 pm because I want mom to have had a good night's rest first and to have a good night's rest after. Aren't I thoughtful? Now if the grand-girlie is as thoughtful, we'll all be grateful. This is all on my prayer list!

Lisa Marie said...

My guess is that she will arrive Sunday about 6:30 pm in the evening and she will weigh 7lbs 8 ozs
Have a great week-end!

Susie said...

Hi Linds,
I think she'll arrive on Feb 17 at 5:20 AM. I think her weight will be 7 lbs 2 oz!
I've been looking at all the verification words and mine is "nesting"

Anonymous said...

Feb 16, 3:17 a.m., 7 lbs 5 1/2 oz.

Can't wait to see pictures of her.


Janine said...

Ok - I have to guess too - tomorrow (ie Valentine's Day) at 5pm - weight 7 lbs 14 ozs.

Luanne said...

Here goes...Sunday Feb 15th at 5:45a.m..
8 pounds 2 ounces.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

The word verification for this comment is "sonverp"...????

Hmmm....Sunday February 15th at 3:15 am, 8 lbs 1 oz.

Happy waiting, Granny. :o)

Love and hugs,


Pam said...

Ok, I'm going to join in the guessing. I'm going to say she'll surprise you all by arriving at 2:15 am, Sunday morning, (2/15). She'll weigh 7 lbs 15 oz.

Hope for all your sakes that you get to meet her soon. : )

Adopting1Soon said...

Wednesday morning~! say 9 am she WILL make her appearance! And she will have a fine dusting of STRAWBERRY blond hair. And all 10 fingers and toes. She will weigh 6.6. pounds.

Harley's World said...

Tuesday 5 pm. She will be blond and weigh 7.6 pounds.
She will love your blog! ;D

Mary said...

18th (my time) 11.30am. That makes it about midnightish (tues /wed )your way. 0020hrs 18th - yep, that's it. Now the weight? - let's say 7lbs 2oz (3200grams). Although I am now thinking 10.30 pm which would be your tuesday 17th.

Can I have two guesses?

Unknown said...

I think it will be Feb. 17 at 6:19 am and she'll weigh 7 lb 14oz.

Linds said...

My sister says: I say she'll arrive at 15.30 on the 16th - with blonde hair - lots of it - weighing 8lbs 10oz!

Linds said...

And I say she will be here on 15th at 11.25am weighing 8lbs 3 oz and will have blonde hair!

Crystal said...

I'm going to say Monday, Feb. 16 (Family Day in Alberta!) at 3:36 a.m., weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. And her hair will be red like Daddy's!!

Sandra said...

I say on Sunday at 2am and she will weigh 7lbs and 15 ounces and will have beautiful blonde hair.

Anonymous said...

Early hours of Tues am. Strawberry blonde hair. Either 7 lbs 6 oz or 8lbs 1 oz!

julia said...

1am Monday morning, 7lb 3oz
Here's to a safe delivery and a wonderful journey through this life

Dawn said...

I weight - I forgot to guess a weight - I'm going to say 7 pounds 15 ounces.

Come on over to LOVEland for a little Valentine greeting!

Pam said...

Tuesday 17th - my friend Pam's birthday - at 8.18 pm. Weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces (though I imagine babies come weighing in kgs now).

Anonymous said...

I guess Monday 2.05am 6lb 12oz

Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh I just love knowing I am not the only one who notices the significance of verification words sometimes. I am lousy at times and dates, but I think this girlie is going to be a strawberry blonde and weigh in about 8lbs. 14ozs. I just want her to be healthy and happy as she introduces "PURE JOY OF HOPE" to you and your family. I am so anxious for your wait to be over and for you to join the club of Blessed Grandmas. I love you and take care.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Anonymous said...

I'm hopeless at guessing, lol, but I hope she arrives soon!
You should save and print out this post and the comments and show them to her when she's older!

Anonymous said...

I am going to come out of lurkdom and play along. I am guessing Tuesday the 17th at 10:32 AM. She will weigh 8 lbs 3 ozs and she will have hair that cannot be confirmed red or strawberry or blond or light brown. We girls have to keep 'em guessing after all.

Unknown said...

"OK,I am up to this challenge." Jo says as she pushes her sleeves up to her elbows, closes her eyes and concentrates very hard on a date.....

I usually need to talk to baby bump to get it right, but will shoot for Tuesday, the 17th at 8:34PM.

The weight is more difficult and takes a lot more concentration. 9pounds and 2 1/4 ounces.

Now I need to get a bag of ice for my head (it isn't used to so much concentration) and go lay down until the myster gift arrives.

Lifeofkaylen said...

Monday at 9:45pm, weighing in at 8lbs, 2 oz.

Carole Burant said...

Hmmmm...since she's not born yet as I type this, I'll say Tuesday, Feb. 17th at 11:45 p.m. and she'll weigh 7 lbs 4 oz.