Friday, March 19, 2010

The weekend will be fun!

Well, the weekend is going to be great - Missy and her Mum and Dad are coming up this afternoon and they are staying for the weekend. I have been trying to clean the place...... you know, threads everywhere, and then thinking, oh good grief, move the scissors. The pins. The crochet hooks..... And then thinking - food. We need food. And charge the camera, and set up the cot. The high chair..... where IS the high chair......

And so I am whizzing around the place in a totally disorganised fashion, starting one thing, thinking of another, doing half of that before I think of something else. So I did what any sane woman would do. I made coffee. And here I am.

The lounge is half hoovered. The bathrooms are half cleaned. The quilt is being assembled (I got distracted and though I could assemble it quickly and then I could quilt this weekend when Missy sleeps) and there is some food to eat. Now I can't remember where I have put anything. Breathe, girl. And make a list. That is what I need. A list.


  1. I always do better acting rather than spending my time making lists.

    This will be the perfect distraction for you. I know you will have a fabulous time visiting with Missy and her family. Enjoy!

  2. What a treat for you! Have fun.

  3. Gosh! Your head sounds so much like my head. Breathe, make the list, breathe some more, have fun!

  4. I do the very same thing - rush around, starting tons of stuff - and finishing nothing!!! I was distracted this morning when Meadow and Blake came to play. I really didn't want to go to work! Have a fabulous weekend!!!

  5. I never make lists cause I tend to not stick with them LOL

    I think you'll have a lot of fun, just breathe and relax and enjoy the time.

  6. Sounds like a nice spontaneous surprise! I know you'll have a great time. It'll all fall into place!
