Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bits and pieces

Hello. I was going to have a bit of a moan about people who never respond to text messages. Then I decided that it was not worth the effort and really not that important in the greater scheme of things, and I am trying to be a nice person so must shut up.

I have just been sitting outside the local hospital for over an hour waiting for Mum to have her routine blood tests, which take less than 5 mins to do. These are no longer done in surgeries, and you can't pre-book appointments, so the wait is horrendous, parking difficult, especially for old people who can't walk far, and just another frustrating waste of time.

The beans continue to be prolific. I picked more yesterday and did a bit more weeding too.

On the wood front, I went to a specialist supplier, and they didn't have anything, but knew what I wanted so will see what they can do. Very convenient that the man I spoke to happened to be Swiss. It was a nice drive through the back roads of middle England, though. Then I trawled the internet and discovered that B and Q 's parent company own a percentage of the shops I go to in Switzerland, so I wrote to the head office to see if they can introduce a new line here. You never know. It is worth a try.

It is house group tonight and we are starting on a new book. I have read it before and it is excellent. "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat" by John Ortberg. Not new, but new to the house group. What a lovely group of people they are. My house group. And it is great to get to know them really well.

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