Sunday, December 17, 2006

3rd Sunday in Advent

Here is Marge's tree in her lounge. (see the post below this one)

This one is of the tree in the entrance hall. She has 3 trees, and they are all beautiful. Even her doll's house has the Christmas decorations up, and a lit tree in front of it.

Here is another view from her house. Just before I left, there were children playing in the snow on that field, and Marge said they looked just like the village scene she had built across the units in her lounge of lit cottages. Amazing.

And here are my 2 sons with my daughter-in-law. David is grinning as he was standing on tip-toes, to appear even taller. It is a great bone of contention that he towers over his older brother, who is about 6ft anyway! Strangely, my tree looks huge when I look at it, and here it is completely hidden by my children.

I love this photo.

And my daughter, in New Zealand. Just because she is on the other side of the world that does not mean she does not get to feature here too! (more double negatives, but I know what I mean. I am tired.....)

I have great kids.

1 comment:

  1. You have beautiful children. How lovely to see their pictures!!
