Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas tree treasures

Morning Glory is hosting Christmas tree treasures today, and I had every intention of putting some of mine up for you to see, but MY TREE IS NOT UP. My boxes are not down from the loft. I am a failure.

Tomorrow our tree will go up, so I am going to post more photos then, but for now, I have one photo of my little scene of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus on a donkey with sheep to show you. It is out as I speak, and it is so sweet. I bought it a few years ago in Switzerland, and I just love it. And don't even think about commenting on the dust. That is tomorrow too.

I hope I am not the only one who will be posting after the day. I will just add them to this one, so the linky thing will stay the same. Sorry, Morning Glory!

Update: The tree is up and it looks lovely. Here is a little Swarowski crystal angel, that I got a few years ago. Really special. And with the lights, it shimmers in the tree.

And here is one of my Hummel decoartaions that I just love. My sister and Mum got these when they went to Germany a few years ago.

Blogger won't let me add any more photos. Screech. I will post them with the next one up.


  1. It's totally acceptable to put your photos up tomorrow or the next day, even. I'm glad you want to. I'll check back.

    This is a really precious decoration. I can see why it's so special to you.

  2. I love your candle nativity...I was in on this in such a hurry there is more stuff I will share later!

  3. I love nativity's! I love the sheep! too cute!

    this is a lot of fun I am glad Morning Glory did this
    my treasure is up too

  4. Anonymous10:23 pm

    That is a very sweet decoration!

    Have a merry Christmas!!

  5. Oh, love your beautiful little nativity scene! Thanks for sharing! :)

  6. Your ornaments are so wonderful and I especially love the homemade ones...I love a Christmas tree that holds so many treasured memories!! your tree is beautiful too! Merry Christmas to you and yours:-)

  7. Anonymous5:22 am

    I kindly got our tree up and no decoration on the tree.
    I'm hoping I'll have my Christmas Tree treasure posted.

  8. Anonymous10:07 pm

    Don't feel bad -- we just got our tree up Saturday and I just got my pictures posted this afternoon. Hope Blogger cooperates better with you soon.

    I love the little Nativity set and the star.
