Friday, December 08, 2006

Please note!!!

Beta blogger is not letting me comment on some blogs, so I am just here to say I am checking in, and will keep trying!

Here is a little silver tree, made for me years ago by my friend Lynda, when she first started working with silver. And it is engraved on the back. How special is that!

And this is one of the many many home made decorations I have made over the years, and given away too. When I go to my friends' homes, it is such a lovely warm feeling when I see the things I have made on their trees!

And here is my tree. It is all gold and has a zillion lights on it and a gold star on the top. The kitchen/family room is the brightly coloured part of the house! I have lights and garlands on the rafters, but that you can see when Boomama has her tour. Normally I have a lot more Christmas stuff out all over the house, but not this year. It still looks good though!


  1. Oh what a beautiful tree! I love the elegance of its shape. I'm so glad you posted these pictures.

  2. What a gorgeous tree!!

  3. Anonymous2:41 pm

    I just liked to you through Boomama's blog and wanted to say that I sometimes have the same problem with blogger beta. I just go and re-log in and it usually self corrects. Hope that helps!!

  4. Anonymous2:41 pm

    Sorry, that should have been LINKED to you...

  5. Anonymous8:48 pm

    What a beautiful and elegant tree! Thanks for sharing!

  6. YOu're not the only one who was late - I didn't get it done until Saturday night - I had to honor two birthdays on Friday.

    I'm glad you got it done - beautiful decorations!
