Thursday, January 11, 2007


It is de-lurking week, I gather, so please de-lurk and say hi and tell me who you are. I am even later than Barb at realising things. And I need something to make me grin please.


  1. Anonymous3:21 am

    Well, I don't know if this will make you grin or not...but, Hello from Texas! I am just getting acquainted with some of the blogs on the Family Friendly Blogroll.
    I like the name of your blog!

  2. Anonymous3:34 am

    Hello! My name is Diana, and I have radiant hair. My mother is amazing, and even though it is her fault that i have humongous feet (and will go to my friend's wedding barefoot tomorrow), I still love her.

  3. Anonymous6:51 am

    Just checking in.

  4. Anonymous7:17 am

    I have you in my Bloglines, will be by often, I hope! But probably not always commenting.


  5. Anonymous10:18 am

    Hello. My name is Katherine and I have punk hair and a dog called Morgan. I visit every day and I love my Auntie Lindsay. Ooh ooh ooh, you'll appreciate this Lindsay, I found a porcelain doll dressed as a NUN in a charity shop yesterday, and she plays a tune. It made my day.

  6. Anonymous2:51 pm

    waving from rainy Oregon! Wishing you a very happy and prosperous de-lurking week! *smile*

    something to make you grin....hmmm....well, yesterday, after all the snow and ice had melted and the city was safe to drive in again, I ventured out...found the ONLY patch of ice still remaining in a 50-mile radius and rear-ended my neighbor's SUV. Sigh. Even *I* had to grin.

    God bless!

  7. Thanks for letting me know you are still in "My Quiet Corner". I was coming here to get your e-mail and saw this post instead. Thought I'd comment on your delurk just as you did on mine! :-)

    Please know you are welcome in "My Quiet Corner" anytime!! :-)

  8. Anonymous8:42 pm

    Hey, sweet Linds!!
    I've been away with computer!!
    Hope you are having a great day!!

  9. Anonymous5:32 am

    Hello from icy Kansas City, Missouri.

    We're due to get snowed in tomorrow and Sunday, and I couldn't be happier. A good book, a warm quilt, a cuppa something hot and a fire in the fireplace...ah, heaven!

    And to make you smile...

    My 15-yr-old daughter is staying with a friend tonight. We called her cell phone to tell her something, only to find that her phone was turned off. Seems she is trying to avoid a boy that she doesn't want to hurt by telling him he's not "the one" for her.

    Of course, this is the third boy in 3 months...

    Ah, young love! SO glad I'm over that part of my life!!!
