Sunday, March 11, 2007


I have just spent the past few hours doing lesson plans only to discover that I did the wrong classes. So have had to do a whole lot more. The plus here is that I now have all the lessons for the week sorted. The minus is that it has taken HOURS. And there is still the washing to sort and the ironing and the house still looks like a tip.............................

I need coffee. And chocolate. And a cool cloth for the head.


  1. Oh, your poor head, Linds. I'm just now catching up and read where you walked into a door frame.

    I've seen Mandy spend a whole weekend working on lesson plans and when she's done, she's just wiped out. I don't think anyone really knows how much time teachers put in, outside the classroom.

    Hope you have an easier week coming up and I hope your head is starting to feel better. Sounds like you really might have had a concussion. You must have hit that door frame really hard!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So glad you came round to my blog, Linds! You and I are the exact same age (if the one on your profile is still current). It is so interesting to read about the life of one of my contemporaries in a different country! I've lived in England twice in my life and would give anything to get back again...just where in England are you?

  4. I'm glad there is a plus side to doing the wrong plans!

  5. Awww, sorry about the wrong lesson plans!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed my trip of the Oregon coast. If you scroll down through that blog, as time permits, you'll find several trips in the U.S. that I think you'll enjoy.

  6. How frustrating! Chocolate always makes me feel better too :)

  7. Oh Linds, I'm so sorry. Thankfully there is a bit of a bright side to look at. I'm sure the chocolate will help!!
