Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cough and splutter

It is lunch time and I am home. I didn't have many lessons today and as I am coughing and spluttering and still deaf, and generally giving the impression of contagion in a highly attractive fashion, I got permission to come home and flop and fix myself as fast as possible. I have mentioned that I do NOT do "sick" or not well. But I am rather weak and feeble at the moment, and my eyes keep closing and I fall asleep. In fact, I nodded off at a staff meeting yesterday after school too. The head speaks softly and could have been speaking Swahili for all I knew. I could not hear a thing. So I am going to move the rocker to the window in the sun and doze off. I want to be back tomorrow.

School has been ok so far, but that could be because I can't hear the kids. There are some positives here!

UPDATE: later

You are all so sweet. I think being pathetic weak and feeble is to be recommended. I slept for 2 hours this afternoon. You may be able to tell I am used to being invincible. Admitting I am not is a new thing for me.
However, normal service will resume tomorrow. One day is enough. And I look like the hunchback of Notre Dame when I lever myself out of the rocker, so sitting here for much longer is not a good idea. I may never straighten up again. Creaking is not desirable.


  1. Sending you hugs and a prayer that you feel better soon!

  2. Hoping you are feeling better soon!

  3. I'm sorry you're unwell, and I appreciate your comment on my blog. I'll let you know when to stand on the shore with my towel!


  4. I join the others in prayer that you will get well quickly. I'm glad you were able to get home and get some rest.

  5. Being sick is no fun so get better reallll soon! When your hearing does come back, you're going to be in for a shock, everything will seem SO loud! lol xox

  6. It's just no fun to be sick. Do you think maybe you have an ear infection from being plugged up? I hope not! Take it easy.

  7. I'm so sorry your ailing....but you still make me laugh, even when you're not feeling well yourself. THAT is a real gift, Linds. I loved:

    "School has been ok so far, but that could be because I can't hear the kids. There are some positives here!" You are too sweet and funny :o)

  8. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Poor Auntie Lindsay. I'm sending you good thoughts and lots of love from far, far away.


  9. I'm not a nice sick person myself. It's better for me and everyone else if you just leave me alone to either get better or die. :-)

    Hope you feel better soon.


