Thursday, September 06, 2007

What makes you happy?

Kelli asked the question "What is making you happy today?" and I think that it is something that is worth thinking about. Big things? Small things? Silly things? All of the above? Of course.

So here is my happy list for today:
  • David bursting through the door after school, flopping in a chair and talking about his day
  • Seeing my son settle down and complete his homework without a word from me
  • Long chats on the phone with people I love
  • Having people smile at me (hopefully not because I am a source of great amusement!)
  • Visiting Ikea with a friend and fortifying ourselves with strawberry tarts
  • Seeing my daughter appear on line
  • Getting photos via email of my far-flung family
  • Picking vegetables I have grown
  • Having quiet moments to myself
  • Calls from my son and his wife to tell me about their day
  • Curling up with a good book
  • Hot cups of coffee
  • The smell of the roses in my garden
  • People popping in to visit
  • Watching CSI without interruptions!
  • Looking through family photos, and remembering the laughter and fun
  • Reminiscing about my youth!

I can think of a great many things which make me happy in general, but this is for today. So the walking in the mountains and watching the sun rise on the beach, and sitting in front of a fire dreaming and having my family all together, the lazy mornings with breakfast in bed and watching Roger Federer win tennis tournaments etc etc etc can wait for another time! I appear to have had a happy day!


  1. Such wonderful happy things. Lovely.

    I enjoyed the previous post as well, and realized that I very seldom sit in silence. I need to.

  2. Reading your happy list made me happy. Those are truly good things!

  3. Thinking I could be sitting with oyu picking those veggies, or eating strawberry tarts.

    That, makes me happy :)

  4. Lots of happiness today - I would say!

  5. Lovely list of things that would make me happy too!

  6. Just reading your list made me feel happy:-) Too many times we take everything for granted but it's nice to once in a while remind ourselves of what truly makes us happy! xox
