Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Do not ask....

I upgraded my template and now I have no idea what to do next or how to put things where I want to. Or change layout. Or make it nicer. Or ANYTHING. I do not know what possessed me. I did save the old one but I DON'T KNOW what I am doing.

You might gather that I am not in an "all sweetness and light" mood.


  1. What a great learning opportunity for you!

    OK, feel free to smack me with anything within reach now...


  2. Oh dear! I think we've all been there. That's how I ended up with my template. I have to totally change mine again if I want a color or background change. I'm thinking about it, but too much else going on right now to devote time to it.

  3. I keep tinkering with mine, & am still not happy with some of it! LOL.

  4. You now have the same template as me. I chose this particular one as I like the idea that it does not have much distraction so that I can display my stuff and I do think the writing area is more spacious.
