Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

I have been up since 4.30, because I took my son to the station to get the train to work in London. A small price to pay for him and his wife to be here for Christmas. So I have had a lovely quiet couple of hours to catch up with my reading. I am on coffee no.3 as I speak!

Life is good right now. Very, very good. Everyone's reaction to seeing Diana has been the same as mine, and we have had such fun surprising friends! My 2 girls have been the cleaning elves around here, and as I finish baking, leaving a trail of debris in my wake, they have been cleaning and clearing. David joined in by sweeping the patio, and then there is the Playstation 3 which my son brought up with him. Oh my word..... Singstar...... we have laughed till we cried.

Carol services, biscuits, chocolate. Me, with the Christmas apron still on, whizzing about the village in the car, with David leaping out to deliver all our cards. Packaging goodies I have baked. Flopping in the rocking chair and just watching the antics of my family. Storing memories. Crossing things off the "to do" list. And now it is Christmas Eve. How thankful I am to be here in this place right at this moment.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!!!!!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow, and enjoy every single moment!


  1. Do you think this may go down as one of your best Christmases ever? It sounds wonderful.

    It's amazing how I can be so happy for someone I've never met. The bloggy world is fun that way.

    We are sweating down here, as you know. I've been in the kitchen making German "Baumkuchenspitzen" and dough for Do-nuts to deliver to friends later today. My husband wants to start a new tradition. He's out with two of the children battling the crowds in a hot city. I think I'm glad I'm in my hot kitchen with a fan.

    I pray you enjoy every second of this day and for the whole season. Thanks for letting your blogging friends in on your joy.


  2. Linds--

    Thanks so much for your encouraging words and Christmas blessings this morning! And a most blessed Christmas to you and yours too.

    Surrender and trust--indeed!


  3. A very, VERY Merry Christmas to you, Linds!!

  4. May the joy that comes with Christmas Day remain with you throughout the year!! Merry Christmas dear friend. xoxo

  5. Oh, what a marvelous Christmas you are going to have, my friend!!! It really is just about having them all home, isn't it? There's such a gap in the family and in a mother's heart when one is missing. May all the light and joy that He brings with His birth fill your heart and home with peace and a happiness that overflows to all you meet. Merry, Merry Christmas, Linds!!!

  6. I wish you all a truly beautiful and wonderful Christmas, Linds.


  7. Wow, I'm behind and didn't know your daughter was home. What a glorious surprise!! I can just about see you bouncing around with joy. Praise God.

    I was thinking of when MG first introduced us to you and I was reading back to the beginning of your blog. You were writing faithfully every day, but nobody had found you yet. What a blessing that we now have this great circle of friends and support around the globe. Merry, blessed, holy Christmas to you and your! Although the day is almost over for you!
