Tuesday, April 08, 2008


My daughter and I were speaking, or attempting to, rather, on video messenger this morning. She informed me I appeared to be wearing bells. Indeed I was. 2 Lindt bunny red ribbons and attached bells were draped over the headphones. Yet another fashion trend. You can rely on me, people. I couldn't get the headphones to work. And only after she had gone did, my son arise from the pit, and inform me there were little coloured lines on the plug thingys which denoted which hole they belonged in. I would need a magnifying glass to see them. Stupid invention. Hopefully next time they will work.

Here I sit. One daughter in NZ. And one son and his wife in Hong Kong. My friend has a son in Thailand, and a daughter in Rome. Another has a daughter in Italy skiing and a son in Australia. Another friend has a daughter and her husband leaving for Florida today. Can anyone spot the problem?????? Our KIDS are travelling the world, and we are sitting here. Sigh. But how great for all the kids to be off on adventures, seing new places and meeting new people. The world is very small, isn't it....

Anyway. I have an adventure on the horizon. Tomorrow, I am off to London to meet Jeana !! This is so exciting! I know I am supposed to rest. The train is "taking the strain" as the adverts say, and I am sure walking is a good idea. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the jaw, so chatting will be no problem. AT.ALL. And I will rest on the train coming home too. I have it all sorted.

The sun is shining and Spring seems to have made a comeback, so I am going to curl up with the book, and enjoy the warmth. I will be back!


  1. The sun's disappeared over here! and we have no heating until the oil delivery on Thursday! Oh happy school holidays!!!!!
    Enjoy your trip to London, take it easy but have loads of fun.

  2. Anonymous1:36 pm

    I'm going to link my mom to your blog... We moved to Hong Kong last year and are about to have our first child, sometime in the next 4 or 5 weeks... I'm sure she would love to read from someone else's perspective how this is working for their family, especially since so much of your family is international, in ours it's just us, everyone else is in the states. (I got here via rocksinmydryer. after reading the post about the SCC song... we are having a girl and I'm so excited to see my husband become daddy to his own princess

  3. Enjoy tomorrow's adventure! You'll surely have a wonderful time.

    My! Your kiddos really are all over. Mine are right here in my small town and very glad of it I am.

  4. I don't know Jena but what great fun for the two of you.

  5. Hope that you have a wonderful time visiting. Be easy on yourself.

  6. Have a great time. Just popped oer and read through Jenna's blog and found it interesting.

  7. hope you have a great time visiting. Let us know how your little break goes :)

  8. Hi Linds,
    How fun to meet another blogger! I'm sure you'll have lots to share when you return!

  9. I haven't met Jeana yet, but it is always fun to MIRL! And just think, soon it will be Morning Glory as well! I hope my turn is coming before too many more years.

    I hope you feel just fine!

  10. I know what you mean - my own children are a lot better traveled than I'll ever be. You know, if I could have talked Krissy and Andy into letting me go on their honeymoon with them, I could at least say I'd been to Hawaii. Sigh.

    Enjoy your time with Jeana today - how nice for both of you.
