Friday, May 30, 2008


This week is racing by. Me? I am not doing much racing, I confess. I am being more like a slug. And oh, is it good.

However, slugs do not have much to report at the end of their rather slow days, and neither do I. I have had time with friends for coffee and chats. I have been quilting. I have been reading. I have been getting up later than usual some days, and I have been doing more of the "let's help our friend choose beds, linen, curtains, carpets" thing. Yes, the bathroom and kitchen are sorted, and now, so is the bedroom. It is good fun spending someone else's money, people. Really good fun!

It has been wet most of the time, so curling up on the couch with the quilting is perfect. I just don't want it to end. This is what I love doing.

When I am being creative, I have the most amazing feeling of contentment, as I watch something emerge from the movement of my hands, and ideas in my mind. Right-ness. This is why I like hand quilting. Because this is the time when I can think and reflect on who I am making the quilt for, and the significance of the bits and pieces I add. Sometimes, I know that only I will get that significance, but that is fine. There is a part of me in everything I make.

And the quiet is something I cherish.

Those of you who are regular readers know I am making a small quilt for each of my children from the shirts that their Dad wore. They were supposed to be ready for Christmas. Hmmmm. Maybe next Christmas is more realistic, given that there are 3 of them. And my daughter asked for some cushion covers too, so there are those on the go as well. And even though everything was washed, somehow there is that faint smell of their Dad as I work. So the memories are there all the time. That is what these are. Memory quilts.

I don't follow patterns. I am a non-conformist in every sense of the word. I just make things fit together in a way I like, and then I may do beading, embroidery, couching, whatever else seems to work. I love every second of it. You may have guessed that by now!

The hours whizz by, and my hands creak a little more. There is stuff I should be doing, I know. But right now I am taking this time as a gift, and a blessing.

And I am smiling.


  1. Linds, enjoy your creations! I love to just watch a quilt 'make itself' under my hands. I am often delighted with the end -surprise!- result.
    Thank you for your kind words on mine. I know that depression is a much larger problem than anyone could believe!
    I have faced my demons, & they hold no fear for me now!

  2. What lovely treasures you are creating, Linds. I saw the quilt you made Morning Glory, too, and it is gorgeous.

    I'm sure no matter when the finished quilts emerge, your children will be touched beyond words and cherish the memories sewn into them.

    So wonderful to hear/read the contentment in your post.

    Have a blessed weekend, dear Linds.

  3. I've never made this kind of quilt, random, come together as you go, but I always love seeing them at the quilt shows - they just stand out. Maybe I should try it too - yours look like so much fun in the process, rather than focusing on the end product.

  4. I tried quilting once - a major disaster! Your memory quilts are a fantastic idea. I'm glad you are having such a peaceful and restful break. Enjoy your last few days - don't you dare do any of the 'stuff' that needs doing. Just keep reading and quilting and fellowshipping.The rest can wait.

  5. I'm so glad you are having some moments of quiet and rest.

    I'm a regular reader but how did I miss the wonderful treasure you are making for your children??

    What a gift they will be able to hold dear forever. And what a time it must be for you as the memories flood over you during these days.

    Continue resting and refreshing my friend...

  6. What an amazing idea for a quilt. I can just imagine you doing it and I can see the smile on your face. Contentment, for sure.

  7. You do have talent, my friend. I could no more do that than I could lay an egg. How wonderful it must be to be blessed with such creativity!

  8. Your quilting philosophy is so right on. I can relate to it all. There is time for such wonderful contemplation as the needle performs it's own magic. Sounds like you have had a wonderful week. Happy weekend.

  9. I absolutely understand that feeling of contentment Linds. I have been quilting in the evenings and feeling just that way. It used to be mostly knitting, but I am finding the quilting just as fulfilling (now that I have a proper callous on my middle finger from where the needle sticks through the back!).
    I love the idea of making quilts from your husband's shirts. You are so creative. The quilt you made for MG is just beautiful.
    Enjoy the next few days Linds.

  10. How marvelous that you have this time to create and to ponder. Taking the memories out and savouring them is a wonderful use of time and energy. I pray that you are enjoying every minute as you stitch.
    ((( HUGS )))

  11. I love it that you're making quilts from his shirts. What a lovely idea and one that your children will always treasure.

    That sofa looks extremely inviting. Extremely. Sigh.

    I'm glad you're enjoying your break. I know exactly how you feel about making things with your hands and what a nice way to spend this time off.

  12. YOu are very creative - I love the lap quilt you made for MG. Just beautiful! I am so glad you've had such a wonderful week at home - sounds like you really need to just retire and stay at home!
