Sunday, May 18, 2008

Where have my emails gone????

Well, excitement does me in, people. I was alseep by 9.30. I need to get into training for an exciting life, if I intend having one!

I have a question. For some reason, since yesterday, I have not been getting emails of comments posted. Does anyone know what I should do? I have cleared the cookies and temporary interntet thingies. And I have checked the spam thingy on line and there is nothing there either which looks remotely like a comment. Other unmentionable stuff, but no comments. I am assuming you bright people understand all the thingies. They show up on the blog, just not in my inbox. I WANT THEM IN MY INBOX. Help!


  1. Every once in a while that happens on my blog and then clears up inexplicable. I think it's just some sort of glitch.

  2. Did you check the box next to the email thinga-ma-bob near the bottom to the left of the spam doo-hickey?

    Sounds to me like you are in the same boat I am when it comes to this computer gig. I have a wife, if she is in a givng mood and I have not screwed up recently, who will bail me out. But being the typical guy who can't admit his weaknesses to his woman, I manage to foul up the works in huge ways before I crawl on my belly and ask for help.

  3. Sometimes with all the little glitches that pop up using this 'smarter than I am' piece of electronics, I feel as I have stepped briefly into the twilight zone. Do you think perhaps Bill Gates is really a visitor from another planet????

  4. Blogger was being beasty yesterday afternoon. I wonder if this is yet another glitch. If you haven't changed anything in your settings, then it's probably something out of your control.
    Hope it's resolved for you quickly!

  5. I am not getting my comments in my E-mail box either so it is obviously a blogger thing and not our problem. I have had this before and I just had to wait until it got fixed.

  6. Hi there. Came from Rambling Garden. I've had the same problem as well. It should clear up in a while. :)

  7. No idea about the technical thing but belated happy birthday to Andrew - he sounds like a star. And that London trip sounds excellent too.

  8. Linds, I can't tell you how to fix that problem. Plain and simple, I'm a dunce when it comes to most of the things on this blog. I'm lucky that I'm able to get the words typed in and a few pictures posted! LOL!
    I've not been visiting alot lately, but am trying to rectify that right now! It looks like you had a wonderful time in London! How nice to actually be able to meet some blog friends! Thanks for taking us along!


  9. I haven't read all the other comments so forgive me if I'm repeating, but this has happened to me a couple of times. It lasts a couple of days and then suddenly fixes itself. Blogger knows about it.

    I completely hate it because I get a lot of comments on posts, especially cooking and craft tutorials, I did two years ago and I have no way whatsoever of knowing.

    This is the first and only problem I've had with blogger since they switched us all to the "new" blogger so I guess I shouldn't complain. But it's SUCH a pain!
