Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Modern day miracles.....

I have no desire to write screeds about work. But all I will say is that at lunch time at 1.30, I passed another member of staff after doing duty out on the courts, and he said...You look absolutely exhausted. Yes. Well. There I was thinking that the day was reasonably ok. It is interesting seeing oneself through other (younger) eyes. What kind of image am I projecting to the little darlings then???? The fact that I was very tempted to call in the marines in Period 3 may have something to do with it too.

The nasty shock of the day was discovering that we do not break up until the 23 July. WHAT??? I was not thrilled. Those 4 extra days seem a very long time to me.

However, moving swiftly on to important things.......

I have HOT WATER!!! This is 2008, and it is indeed a miracle, brought about by miracle man, Matt, the plumber. Last night, I ran a lovely deep bath, reclined in it with a sigh of absolute bliss and promptly dozed off. In water that was not 2 inches deep. Filled by bucket after boiling on the stove. And carried up the stairs. Repeatedly. The taps actually produce hot water all by themselves! Hello First World...I am back!

The element had a crack in it, so only produced lukewarm water, and now it is fixed. Oh the excitement. It took him half an hour. And, as finding a good reasonable plumber is up there with great achievements in today's world, I will add that Matt is a gem. I asked him what it would cost to rip out my old bathroom and install a new one in the same place. He actually mentioned a figure which would mean that I could defer my attempts to become a plumber with the aid of google. I may not be 227 before I get a new bathroom after all.

And now I am whizzing off to work. Maybe there will be miracles at work there too today.....


  1. I dont understand how none of my offspring has ever married a plumber, electrician or carpenter. It just does not seem fair somehow.

  2. Thank goodness for hot water. That alone must have taken its toll.

    July what?!!! Oh my! So how long is the summer break?

  3. HOORAY! A hot bath after a long day. What better end?

  4. Hooray for hot water!

  5. OH YEAH!!!!! Hot water...what a novel idea! I am so glad that everything is up and working, Linds. Life must be a world better because of it (and Matt.)

  6. At least you have hot water - that is a blessing - I trust tomorrow will be better!

  7. Glad your hot water is back. I lost the use of my oven for three days - boy did I miss cooking (not).

  8. Oh how we miss those things that we so take for granted when we don't have them! Hot water is one of those things that we need and want at the touch of the faucet! So glad you have yours back!! Enjoy! :o)

  9. Sometimes it's those simple things in life that we've taken for granted (like readily available hot water) that give us the most pleasure!! Enjoy!

