Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Peace in the garden....

First, let me apologise for not visiting and leaving comments and all that sort of stuff. I have had no time to do anything, and I hate not knowing what everyone is up to. I will be round to catch up as soon as I can actually catch up with myself. Minor detail.

Ironically, work was reasonable today, but I had to run a zillion important errands on the way home, and by the time I finally sat down, I promptly fell asleep. David starts his A level exams tomorrow, and I am a wreck. He on the other hand, is calm and relaxed. I am not. It comes with the "I am a mother" territory.

I am in need of laughter. And peace.

When life seems to consist of form filling (for my son's uni), paying bills, writing letters to officialdom, paperwork for my job, and lesson preparation, laughter, unless it is of the hysterical variety, is rather scarce. I am tired. It is as simple as that.

One thing I love to do when I get home in the late afternoon, is to walk around the garden, deadheading the plants, watering them, checking to see how many roses have bloomed, and how much everything is growing. It is a wonderful way to wind down from the frenetic pace of the working day. And my garden is starting to really blossom.

I wish you could see inside my mind. It closely resembles a washing machine in the middle of a spin cycle. Thank heavens for summer days and that the roses choose this time to open their petals to the sun. My eyes can see and appreciate the beauty of each lovely flower. I can smell the glorious scent. I can hear the birds singing in the trees and bushes. I can feel the warmth of the paving slabs under my bare feet. I don't have to think to be able to relax in my garden.

I love coming home.


  1. Pretty, pretty, flowers, Linds. I love cheery petunias. The hot pink rose looks like it is velvet.

    Relax that mind and enjoy the garden more.

  2. A stroll through your garden must be where peace can be found. Those roses are so beautiful and I can smell them in my mind.

    The best four words have to be "I love coming home." I know that feeling.

  3. I can almost smell those gorgeous roses all the way over here Linds. I'll take the pretty pink one please :-)
    I'm sorry life is so difficult right now. When I think of you having to get up and go to a job you don't really like every morning, I am ashamed of myself for ever complaining. It is such a blessing to be able to stay at home pretty much whenever I want to. I pray that in the not too distant future you will find just the right job - one that you are happy to get up in the morning to go do.
    In the meantime, your garden looks like a lovely place to find a bit of peace and quiet.

  4. Hi Linds,
    How I'd love to be able to stroll through your garden with you. You and I both have the love of beautiful flowers in common, and it also gives me a sense of peace and relaxation.
    I've tagged you for a meme, but please only do it when and if you want.

  5. Lovely roses! We have so much shade in our yard (which we did purposely years ago) that roses don't do too well. But what we do have I really love. Thanks for the trip through your flower garden. I have been enjoying the irises so much this year.

    I would love to sit down in your garden and have a good long chat! We could solve a few things together!

  6. Flowers are such wonderful therapy, aren't they?
    ((( HUGS ))), my friend - sleep all you can - it is such a restorative thing.

  7. Hang in there, Linds. Your roses are more than beautiful. How nice of you to share them.

  8. The flowers are exquisite and I am certain that they bring joy to your soul at the end of one of those long days. Loved your description of your active mind.

    I have an award for you today!

  9. Your flowers are beautiful. Roses are one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing them.

    Praying things settle down for you soon.

  10. Anonymous1:01 pm






  11. Such beautiful roses, no wonder you can relax when you are around them. Mine are just budded, no blooms yet but I check every day. I too find it very relaxing to deadhead and check on my flowers. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have a garden!

  12. I can surely understand why this garden comforts you, Linds. It's lovely. What a nice place to roam around in when you're just feeling tired.

  13. Oh how absolutely beautiful! Coming here and seeing all this beauty was refreshing to me.

    Life IS tiring and home is a blessed place to be. I sometimes too just feel totally exhausted body and soul.

    Your garden looks to be a place where you can take in all the wonderful sights, sounds and smells and just relax. Do it as often as possible. You deserve it!

  14. Your roses are beautiful.....

    Not to worry about being behind. It seems as if I will never get caught up with everyone and every thing if I just miss one day. I am still playing catch up as I type this.

    have a great day. And make sure you take time to smell the roses.

  15. Missie Brown Thumb here. The only thing I grow is iris and daisies, and that because they come up without me having to do anything to them every year. Otherwise the poor flowerbeds would be overtaken with weeds.

    I'm a champion when it comes to growing those!

  16. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Flowers, and especially roses are always a good was to bring peace back to our lives.

    Good luck to your son.

  17. Good luck David. I'm sure he's right to be relaxed. Actually, I have to admit that when it came to the third child I never got anxious at all about his exams since it felt like something we'd all done before. (Mind you, he gets his finals results tomorrow...)

    Your roses are beautiful. Glad they're bringing you some peace of mind. Teaching is exhausting, isn't it?

  18. Those roses would make me feel better too! They are gorgeous.
