Friday, August 29, 2008

Dell - day 8

I am still here. And still wading through calls to India. Just before 2pm this afternoon, I took a few deep breaths and called the customer service line yet again. After sticking around here for the past 3 days, I am losing patience. Not that I had much to start with.

I had a call a little while ago from a floor supervisor saying he still needed another 2 hours to "escalate" things. I can suggest a few ways to escalate things. It is now a week since the wretched piece of rubbish expired. I also happened to warn the man that I actually write on the internet and people actually read what I say. Not to mention that they will remember this debacle when they come to choose a new computer. I am of course, all sweetness and light. Always. You know that.

And this is also an appropriate time to say that our desk top computer which is - HELLO!!!! a DELL!!!!!!! seems to be ailing. It is doing very odd things. Like shutting down Windows on David's account. And refusing to load things I want it to load, and generally behaving as though it has a demon inside it. It is, might I add, less than a year old. Am I surprised???? Today???? That would be no. Not. At. All.

Hopefully, after the anticipated call at 6pm, I will be able to report that all is well and I am satisfied, and that life can now resume as normal. And I will hopefully NEVER have to utter the word DELL again in this lifetime.

Until then.....


  1. I have started a little "savings envelope" in hopes of buying a lap top when my computer eventually gives up the ghost. you think maybe Dell wouldn't be a good choice? I was just wondering...

  2. I'm growling on your behalf!

  3. 7pm. Still no call.....

  4. You are way more patient than I would be! That baby would be back at the store where it came from, lickety split by now! Or - I just had a thought - did it come from an online place and that's why you are stranded beside the phone?! I would send more chocolate but by the time it got to you - well, I hope fixing the problem won't take another 2 - 3 months!

    Please keep us posted - one way or t'other.

  5. Having just come through 3 months of computer problems I sympathise.

    I have given you an award but it will not be posted until Saturday.
