Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Alphabet Soup.... the letter E

Today is Tuesday, and that means it is time for Alphabet Soup over at Morning Glory once more. Today is Letter "E" and we are to list all the things starting with that letter which bring us joy, and make us smile. If you would like to join in, hop on over to MG and leave a comment so we can all come and see what you have thought of!

  1. The Eagles - when I hear their music, I am immediately transported back to my student days! Long long ago. But we won't go into that now.

  2. Elton John. Ditto. And he has also written some of the most memorable music in recent years - think the Lion King!

  3. Eggs. Particularly the Easter variety - made of chocolate. However, I love scrambled eggs too. And egg mayonnaise sandwiches.

  4. Enid Blyton - oh, the memories of all those wonderful books I read as a child! I still have quite a few. St Claire's, Malory towers, the Faraway Tree, Noddy, the Famous Five, the Secret Seven......
  5. Education - I am so thankful I had a wonderful education, and that my children have had or are having that too.

  6. Emeralds. I love the colour and also the jewel, because most of them are flawed, not perfect.

  7. Elephants - huge and lumbering, and so protective of their young.

  8. Easy things. Easy patterns. Easy reading. Easy chairs.

  9. Eider down. The stuff my quilt is made of. Soft, featherlight, and so warm.

I thought the E would be hard, until I started writing things down. And as usual, I am sure I have left out many more I could have listed! Things to eat, energy, elastic, elections, electricity, and all the etc etc etc......s


  1. please add

    early night (every now and again)

    to your list and get to bed young lady :)

    never was a great fan of the Eagles or Elton - Tommy spooked me out - big time.


  2. Good one, Linds. I vote for "elastic" which is my lifesaver.

  3. Your "E" list is great!

    Yes, the first two can take me back in time very quickly, too.

  4. Hi Linds,
    Your list is quite different from mine, but yours made me think of a few more. I found E a bit harder than some..
    (love elastic and easy!)

  5. Oh, how I can relate to Elastic! It's music to a woman's ears especially when I have been on a stress eating binge since Mom went in the rehab facility! lol! Also Elton John, I have so many of his songs on my Ipod! Have some Eagles too! :o)

  6. Love your E list :)

  7. Excellent list, Linds!!

  8. I think you did a great job finding a list of things beginning with the letter E...the Eagles and Elton John have always been some of my favourites:-) Are we showing our age by saying that? lol I'm with you on the chocolate eggs...yummmmm! You mentioned elections...I just went to vote today, it's our Federal Election Day. Either we're going to keep the same idiot...I mean Prime Minister...or get a new one! hehe xoxo

  9. Yes,love Elton, Eagles, eggs...oh elastic is great!!!


  10. Evergreens! I like any type of evergreen tree.

    The Eagles are fantastic--my boys have discovered them.

  11. All the E's. Amazing how once you start they just roll out when doing something like this.

  12. You didn't put Enid under G for Gnid

  13. My favourite Christmas treat: Eggnog! (I know many people can't stand it, but unfortunately, I love it too much.)

  14. Emeralds and Easy Things -- good choices!!

  15. I am a fan of egg and mayonnaise sandwiches too! I've never heard of them outside my own family.

    I like them even better if it's Miracle Whip. Do you have that in England? It's a salad dressing the same texture as mayo.

    So glad your toilet seat behaved itself...

