Friday, October 31, 2008

Sleepy here....

Well, I am taking the tablets - the ones I tried very hard to avoid having to take. And what happens? I am falling asleep. Everywhere. My eyes droop and I am off for a nap. Good grief. They had better be working. And I haven't got up to the full strength level yet. You start one a day then 2 a day then 3 a day and stay there.

Still very cold here, though if you manage to sit in the sun, it is a great deal warmer. But that puts you to sleep too. Maybe I should stop trying to may be futile.....

I am at the hitting the wall stage here at Rocking Chair Reflections - I sit and gaze at the screen and can't think of anything to talk about. Not a lot happening around here, people. So shall we go back to the questions? Is there anything you would like to ask me? Well, ask away. How many of you have started preparing for Christmas? I can't believe it is November tomorrow. The year has disappeared in a flash.

The nap wins. I am off to snooze in the sun.


  1. Hello Linds,
    It is a great pleasure to visit your nice and interesting blog for the first time.
    Best wishes from Brazil:

  2. I am getting sleepy just reading about sitting in the sun and I just got up.

    Yep...I've purchased a few gifts for the little ones. It is hard to think that tomorrow in November.

    If you could do anything you want today...what would you do?

  3. Linds, of course you know how therapeutic sleep can be... Take it one day at a time.

    Questions...? I have some: What are your Christmas plans? Will you stay at home or travel? What is the best book that you've read over the past several months and why?

  4. I had to get my head around posting the Harper's Christmas pressies in October!! Nothing like forward planning.

  5. I'm so glad you finally have a treatment plan. I wondered if this would end up in a knee replacement. I've known three people who had this done and in every single case, they were 100% thrilled with their new knees.

    I say if you want to snooze in the sun, then do it. And don't worry about that wall - we all hit it from time to time.

  6. A nap sounds so nice right about now, but I have tons of cleaning to catch up on....the kids left for their mother's awhile ago and I have lots to do.

    I'd like to ask you if you work and if so, what type of work do you do.

  7. Nap all you want. I've heard that while we're sleeping our bodies can do the most healing. So, I say, enjoy those naps and get your knee well.

    Take a few days off blogging. It might help replenish your thinking process. It often helps me.

  8. I believe sleeping is very beneficial for healing Linds :-) So feel free to nap.
    I haven't really begun to think about Christmas. Once Thanksgiving is over I will plunge ahead.

  9. Sleep is a delightful thing - don't resist if you have the time to nap and especially if it's in the sun!!

    Questions for you:
    - I loved when you showed parts of your village - could we see and hear more please?
    - tell us more about South Africa and Switzerland and other places that you love.
    - What would be your dream vacation?
    - If money were no object, what would you do for yourself , your family and charities?
    - If you went back to school / retrained, what career would you chose?
    - What's your favourite school memory?

    Okay - there's so much I want to know about you! I'm looking forward to your answers.

  10. I can't believe it's so cold! I keep forgetting to ask my Manchester brother if it is cold there as well.

    I'm so thankful you are moving forward to a solution - and have something for pain - AND have lost weight in the process. YAY!!

  11. Sun! When was that I must have missed it. No seriously it was sunny Saturday morning for a while.

    Thanks for your lovely comments and your birthday greetings and best wishes for the coming year.

    I trust your body will adapt and that the pills will not make you so sleepy and that they will do their job. Wonder if the swelling is coming down at all.

  12. What's your favourite

