Monday, November 10, 2008

You have to grin......

It is wet and revolting around here. So wet, in fact, that the roads have great pools of water, and the carpark at the supermarket is one big sea, so no matter where you park, when you are wearing jeans, they get sodden. Mind you, I may just have invented a new way to clean the kitchen floor. And the tidal waves one's car sends into the air - awe-inspiring.

So I am cold and damp and it is dark. But I do have hot coffee. (And super warm socks!)

I have just received a report from the hospital sent to my MP in response to the complaint he lodged on my behalf. It is priceless. Remember the brace which kept falling off? Well, you will be pleased to know that they most assuredly instructed me in the correct use of the device. And there was indeed one person (that would be MOI) who had to wait on hold for 16mins and 5 secs (OK - I said 17 mins) that day. Unfortunately they had to deal with 12 other calls that hour. And the nurse practitioner who saw me the day after I damaged the knee? He says I was walking, and the swelling was not too bad. And he stands by his diagnosis of a lateral sprain. However, 3 pages later, they concede that it had nothing to do with the lateral side at all.

Therefore they say all is well and sorted.

I give up. There were 8 pages of similar stuff. I just started laughing and put it down. What on earth is the point of getting worked up about it? Ludicrous. My MP clearly feels the same way. He did suggest that we meet again and see what we should do next. To be frank, I couldn't care at this stage. Complaining about things seems to just put a red star on your patient file alerting staff to the fact that you are Trouble.

Oh yes - this letter comes from the same department who sent me a letter saying that, as the verdict at Geoff's Inquest was Natural causes, they did not have any need to progress with the complaint. Hello? I phoned them and said that I was not sure which Inquest they had attended, but Geoff's one ended with an Open Verdict. They were going to review their notes and call me the next day. That would be 2 October. I am still waiting.

So - instead of throwing myself on the floor and having a tantrum, I am sitting here grinning and wondering what I am going to have to contend with next. Bring on the physio and pain specialist. And please remind me never to return to that hospital should I ever need to for any new reason.

Right. I need some light entertainment - so I am going to see if any of you are writing today. Have a good Monday!


  1. I like your summary - "please remind me never to return to that hospital" - consider it done!

    It looks like we are set to have snow come here but at least it's relatively dry. Although the land here is parched for moisture - nothing substantial at all has come since mid-July. I hope you find some good reading!

  2. Hailing here...

    Beyond impossible those dolts are.

    Hope you find something more fun to do than read blogs. A movie?

  3. Wow there are a million emotions swirling around in your post. There are clearly members of that hospital who are incompetent and apathetic (to say the least). Throw them all too the wind - I say . Laugh, go ahead laugh - you have done your share of crying and attempting to resolve the issue with your knee. They are lying - you know it - your doctor knows it. Do whatever it takes to get it better now. I prescribe a lot more distracting therapy - go back to the car park and (when safe) drive through a the biggest puddle - and make another one of those awe - inspiring tidal waves, then come home grab a coffee, put on some Abba music and belt out a tune or two - if you give me a nudge we can make it a duet - I bags 'The winner takes it all' ;)

    Take care my friend.

  4. I can't even think of anything to say except UNBELIEVABLE!!!Glad you can grin.

  5. Will the fiasco that is your life never get back to an even keel? Better to laugh than to cry or throw a tantrum, I suppose.

    Hope your day is a good one, Linds. I think you're overdue now...

    Love and hugs,


  6. Linds, I like your attitude. You can't change what is going on so you just move on.

    I try to stay far away from any hospital after what happened to me.

  7. Mornin' dear Linds! You have developed an incredibley good attitude about all this and I have to give you kudos! I'm not sure I could have gone through all you've gone through (and continue to go through) and be able to laugh. Good for you! I suppose we just have to take things as they come and know that all will turn out as it's supposed to. However, you better start wearing boots in all that rain or you're gonna catch a cold! : ) Have a great day!

  8. Your medical condition never ceases to amaze me, Linds.

    Hope it dries up and warms up a bit for you.

  9. We certainly did have some wet weather yesterday. My garden was like a lake.

    Of course yu cannot give up blogging!!!!

    Your leg is certainly giving you something to blog about. Have you been for a second opinion.

  10. I did Alphabet Soup today and then discovered MG was quitting. And Susie has. Please don't! It would be so sad!

  11. Hello again, Linds, You are absolutely right. What this whole ordeal now demands, is to either roll in the water puddles, or get a lawyer to help you win this battle. But I'd have some warm, dry socks handy, too. Save the others for the kitchen floor.

    Mary's advice is probably the best of all. The worst thing that could happen would be if you let that medical system steal your attitude.

  12. Your medical events seem like a horror story out of control! How you have kept your sanity over the last few months is amazing! I hope that blogging has been a release valve for you that has kept you from exploding! Yes, don't let it steal your attitude Linds, you have done so well keeping it together!!

  13. Things just continue to be crazy for you...better to grin than??? Well just keep grinning.

  14. It's wet and revolting here too - black south easter yesterday and lashing rain today. Welcome to November in Cape Town! X

  15. Anonymous7:42 am

    hi linds. congrats on your lovely brown blog and for being a top ten blogger.
