Thursday, January 08, 2009


Sleep is over-rated. I went to bed quite early (for me) yesterday and I do not think I had more than 10 mins sleep an hour. Could I get comfortable? No. Could I sleep? No. Could I read? No. So I got up at dark o' clock and got ready for physio and the wobble board from hell, and when my friend came to collect me, she took one look at me and told me I look like death, or words to that effect. I did. Slitty eyes and all. A zombie. And that was before the wobbleboardfromhell.

So I told the physio I had not had any sleep, and she said...."Oh, what a pity, so let's start on the wobble board shall we?" Right. Evil. That is what she is. No let up at all. No sympathy. Get on with it. So I did. And, unsurprisingly, everything hurt even more, and I could hardly do some of the exercises. So I am home now. Feeling drained. Weary. Exhausted. I may well give in and go and have a nap on the couch. Just as well I let my friend take me there and bring me home.

Bath. Monday. They will sort it.


  1. I hope you are getting some good rest right now. At least you went to physio, I would of likely called and canceled.

    Hope you are feeling more like yourself soon.

  2. Linds,

    I am sorry to hear that it was a day from hell for your poor body. I hope you are taking a nap on the couch right now as I am typing this. Just remember; Bath. Monday. They will sort it out! Praying for you my friend.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. Hmmm, redoubling prayers on your behalf. Nothing much worse than not getting enough rest especially since sleep helps the body mend. Hope that by now you're already on that sofa having a good sleep without any pain. Do they give you anything for pain?

  4. Considering the attitude of the nasty little therapist, I doubt she gives you anything for pain! Nor could she even prescribe, I imagine. Did you have Tylenol PM over there? It helps me sleep! I am so sorry, dear friend. So sorry! I wish I could come over and at least make you some nice warm soup - and maybe some comforting rice pudding. Do you like rice pudding??

  5. Me again - I left you a comment on yesterday's post around 4:00 am here, with a long explanation - no reason like yours that I was up for two hours in the middle of the night, but interesting, to say the least!

  6. My mom has always said the same thing about therapists. Guess they must have a certain mentality that comes with the job. I would be awful at that job.

    Prayers for the upcoming appointment, Linds.

  7. I know from having to take Rob to physio every day, when he had his shoulder surgery, the therapists let absolutely nothing sway them from the doctor's orders. The schedule must go on.

    I'm sorry, Linds. I hope you get some sleep. Do you have access to some over the counter sleep meds? Tylenol PM helps me greatly when I have trouble sleeping.

  8. I'm sorry the physio was tough, but those people can be quite scary and don't waver from the therapy no matter what LOL

    Hope you get some rest tonight and I'm praying that Bath really does figure this all out so you can start having some relief from this aggravation.

  9. Praying for rest and peace (and for the untimely demise of the physio .... OK, maybe not her, but definite the wobbleboardfromhell!).

  10. I wrote you this really funny (well I thought it was) comment - with the intent of cheering you up. But it didn't come through.I can't remember what I said - when it all comes rushing back to me I will pass it on. Meantime I continue to chant down under.

  11. How awful... I had to start taking ambien (sp?) to sleep at night. Non addictive and it works for me. My doctor even takes it.

    Some people have no compassion! Sorry your day was horrid :(

  12. Hope Friday is better than Thursday!

  13. I just added your up coming appointment to my prayer list. My Mom has encountered less then sympathetic physical therapists over the last few months as well and it raises the hair on the back of my neck! The poor woman is 84 years old with dementia! Good grief! Some of them have been wonderful but the others should be weeded out. I also like Tylenol PM, are you able to get it where you live?

  14. Sending virtual Ambien your way, my friend, along with warm milk, a dozen sheep, and a fence. The sheep have orders to keep circling and jumping until you drift off trying to actually figure out how many there are, which you'll never be able to do because they'll be circling and jumping all the while.

    If this doesn't work, please take two aspirin and call me in the morning. Not that I can do anything else but provide an ear, but you get the general idea...

    Hugs, my friend!

  15. I feel your pain, Linds - literally! I'm recuperating from knee replacement surgery and go to physical therapy 3 days a week. And many of those days, with very little sleep the night before, and yes, that does make it hurt more. One of the therapist's favorite questions is, "Are you feeling the burn yet?" Then he just laughs, but not in a mean way. I know that what they tell me to do is going to strengthen the knee, but it sure doesn't feel good at the time. Hang in there and I pray you get better soon.

  16. I'm not sure I should feel sorry for you because you're just so darn funny.

    I just stopped by to say thank you. Thanks for reading my blog, it means so much. I think I'll pop by yours more often...

    Blessings and peace!
