Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bath....the outline...

This is where I have been.........

Well, I am alive, and it has been an incredibly intense 2 weeks, let me tell you. Just imagine yourself as the focus of a whole battery of specialists, and you will understand how every one of my senses has been on full alert. They were there, however, to help me get better. I am so unbelievably lucky.

I will get better. It is just going to take time. And it all depends on how hard I work. I can do this.

I had the rather silly idea that they may just say "Oops - we have made a mistake!" Well, they didn't. And that is fine. My new watch words are "Pace yourself" and "Breath." Whatever I set out to do, whether it is the ironing or working here on the computer, I have to halve it all. That doesn't mean I don't get things done, but, as am a bit of a control freak, it means do half, walk away and do something else, and then come back later.

I have to pamper myself. Hahahahha. I will tell you more about that one later.

So this time away has been very hard work. We have worked one-to-one with our specialist physios in the gym and in the pool (divine) ((not me in the costiume - the pool - get real here!)) and we have seen 2 occupational therapists each day for sessions in de-sensitising, and relaxation techniques, and coping with the challenges at home etc.

Then there was the psychologist who we saw each week and we had long sessions with her. And then there were the experts who have gathered this team together, of course, and the research they are doing. That means thermal imaging, and also bone density scans of the whole body, which is a very weird feeling, let me tell you. And questions and monitoring and tests.....

And the chats and measurements of blood flow. All very interesting, and the best part was the fact that we were with people who had the same thing wrong with us. For the first time. Amazing. No need to explain. 3 women who met in the hospital for the first time.

Jane is 22 in a few days, and Jo is 36. Jane is the power house behind the Patients' Forum which is about to get off the ground. She is a wonderful young lady and she has energised us all. And Jo, who is from the same area as me (Hurray!!) is 36 and brilliant too. We were "Trouble" and the laughter and fun as we hobbled about was wonderful. Age did not matter in the slightest. Being called "chicken"...... "Are you all right, chicken??" as an endearment by the young ones was strangely reassuring and very comforting. And the encouragement we both gave and received from each other was utterly amazing.

I will tell you more about the course and what we did in the coming days. The Swiss doctor and my Pain Specialist were right - I have never worked harder in my life, and I learned SO much, including the fact that ..... oh heck, that can wait for now.

The shattered -ness comes from total mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. But it is a good feeling right now, and we were told it would come. We have focussed everything on trying to remember it all and do what we have been taught and every one of our senses has been involved virtually 24 hours a day. No wonder we are tired!

But my report said I have made excellent progress. There is a long way to go, but this is great.

So...... I hope you have enjoyed some of the many photos I took of this beautiful place. And the hospital is right in the centre of the little city. I have more. You will be seeing loads.

And that is it for today. I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend!
PS It is now raining.


  1. SO very glad you are back and that it was a good experience for you! Can't wait to hear more. Been praying all along.

    Got a note from Princess Winnietoes parents today. Thought you'd like to know.

    P.S. We're supposed to get 8-10 inches of SNOW today. UGH.

  2. Wow, that was an intense time - it went fast here, how about you??

    What a beautiful place you were! And good friends to boot. Good!

    We had a blizzard Thursday - pictures at my place. We are thanking the Lord for every single flake - the ghosts of droughts past are not pleasant and we've such an incredibly dry winter.

    So glad you're back and can't wait to hear more!

  3. Well I'm so glad that you halved that! =>

    Linds, I'm so glad that the shattering you spoke of was a good old-fashioned working over. I have the feeling that you'll be able to teach the rest of us chickens a few things in the coming days.

  4. Fantastic report. I am so happy that you are shattered. It seems to me that there are a whole lot of answered prayers within that shattered-ness.

    I have missed your posts. It has been rather quiet here in my part of blogs land - me being rather quiet myself.

    How beautiful does Bath look at the moment? - so green. And the flowers - WOW.

    I'm about to put the kettle on - care for a cuppa?

  5. I now understand your "shattered" feeling. Your time at Bath sounds so very intense! The flowers are lovely and so colorful.
    Looking forward to hearing more.

  6. I am so glad you are back home and catching up with yourself Linds. It sounds very intensive but getting an excellent report is such a good start. I will be praying for you as you continue to wellness. I love all the pictures but especially the duck and the daffodils by the water. Rest well and take care. Now you need to cuddle little grandbaby bump.:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  7. Welcome home!!!! I am so glad that your time went well and you met some new friends to commiserate with and laugh with! And spring looks glorious over there. We had a big storm last weekend and today is the first day that we've actually had melting temperatures. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures - take it easy! I am so glad that you are back in blogland :)) ((( HUGS )))

  8. Yes, Linds, you probably went through the ringer of many specialists. Take it easy. Catch your breath.

  9. It all sounds amazing Linds. No wonder you feel shattered. I'm sure it will all get sorted out and you will continue what they have begun.
    I'm so glad it all sounds so hopeful. What fun you must have had with those darling girls.
    And the pictures are beautiful!
    I'm delighted you are back!

  10. I am new here! What an awesome blog you have :) ♥ Hugs!

  11. Wow, such a difference in your attitude now, Jen. You sound so upbeat and encouraged, and I am so happy for you!

    Beautiful Spring photos! So pretty when it's cloudy, windy and downright cold here right now.

    Hope you have a blessed Sunday, my friend. :o)

    Love and hugs,


  12. Welcome back!!! I pray that on the other end of "shattered" there is a new "whole" to come!!!


  13. Welcome home - Again. LOVED the pic's and the outline - and the swimsuits drying in the window!

    Continued prayers and well wishes as you continue on this journey of discovery and healing. Susan

  14. The photos are beautiful, Bath seems like a stunning little city.

    I'm so glad you explained the "shattered-ness" you had me worried at first. I know you can do this Linds, you are an amazingly strong woman, so I know this is just a tiny bump in the road.

    It seems that you made some wonderful friendships too and I'm glad you have others who can completely understand what you're feeling and going through...all I can offer is cyber hugs and prayers. :)

