Monday, March 30, 2009

My view of Bath...

This is a photo post really, with a few words now and then. Our last full day - this included an escape to the local Pizza Express for supper, but more of that later.

And below we have a view of the ward. Yes, it is oldfashioned, but the treatment was state of the art, so I was more than happy. My bed was the one in the middle of the photo, with the curtains slightly drawn. We never bothered with curtains though. And we lay in bed when we all switched off the lights saying...Night, John-boy, Goodnight Mary Ellen, etc etc. The Waltons. That's who we were. The nurses thought it was hilarious.

I love these chimney pots. This was in the lane next to the hospital.

I hopped on this tour bus a few times, over the weekend. One ticket was valid for 2 days and it was a great way to see the city. Our guides were superb too. There were 2 routes and I did them both.
Nothing like spring, is there - this aubretia was tumbling through the fence.......

The Royal Crescent. Magnificent.

And this is the Circus, a circular ring of houses, around a park. One of these you see here was bought recently by Nicholas Cage for £4.5 million. There seems to be no recession in Bath, by the way. Houses cost the earth.

And guess where I ended up after a morning of following my nose around strange corners, and wafting over cobbled streets???

Jane Austen's house. I saw it from the bottom of a hill and decided that I would get there one way or another. So I staggered in the door with my stick and found myself in the shop. I asked if there was a tearoom, and was delighted to hear there was. On the 2nd floor. I told them I would get there if I had to go up on my rear. And up I hobbled........

It was so pretty and I thought of all of you Jane Austen fans and decided to celebrate for all of us. So........
I sat down.......

I ordered coffee ( I don't drink tea)....and.......

Crumpets with honey and double cream. Warm crumpets.........
Let's get a little closer, shall we.........

The only other people there were an American couple, who, I think, thought I was as mad as a hatter when I started taking photos of my crumpets.

So completley English, don't you think??

One of the many interesting things the guide told us was about the bricked up windows which were to be found all over the place. One king imposed a window tax on the nation, to raise money, so shrewd and frugal homeowners bricked up their windows to avoid paying. Did you know that the saying "Daylight robbery" comes from this tax?? I had no idea. It makes sense though.

And then on the middle Saturday, I wandered abound the centre of the city and saw the edge of the Rec, where there was a rugby match in progress.

And I looked at the spring blossom and dreamt of hot sunny days to c0me.......

Pink is such a soft and beautiful colour. I think I need to go pink for a while. Soft and pretty, and feminine. Fluffy. Oh Linds, get a grip.

And this is Sally Lunn's house. In 1680 she started working for a baker, and introduced the Sally Lunn bun. In 1984, some excavation was done in the cellar, and the remains of a Roman villa from about AD200 were discovered. The little cellar museum is fascinating. And yes, I sat on the first floor in the tea room and had a Sally Lunn bun. I thought I had a photo, but must have been dreaming.

This is the Royal Theatre, taken from our ward window. We were in the heart of theatre land but our 9.30pm curfew (about which we wrote copious comments) precluded any forays.

There are only 3 bridges in the world, apparently, where there are shops on both sides of a bridge. The other 2 are in Italy - in Venice (the Rialto) and in Florence (the Ponte Vecchio) and then here in Bath. The Pulteney Bridge. Just look at the reflection in the water.

So there you are. The 2 visits to tearooms were on different days, may I add, and they have directly influenced the slightly elevated reading on the scales. I am beyond worrying right now. The weather was so stunning, that I had to get out in any free time I had, which was not a great deal. However, there was the weekend in the middle and I was out those doors like a bullet. Well, I like to think I was speedy but we will gloss over that part.
I loved the city of Bath. So much history and so beautiful. And small and compact and yes, I know the traffic is a nightmare, but I was on foot so it didn't bother me at all. I would love to go back. Apparently it now has the dubious honour of being the most expensive place to stay (on average) in England. The average hotel charge is £119 per night or something like that, and London is now slightly cheaper. But go and see for yourselves when you come to England. You will not regret it. At all.


  1. I love Bath. We are lucky enough to have friends who live there so have an excuse to visit.

    I "met" you via Sandra just as you left for your hospital stay. Congratulations on your new granddaughter.


  2. Linds I loved your last few posts. The pictures make me feel like I am right there with you. With every post, visiting England gets higher on my bucket list. Everything looks so quaint and charming.

    I was surprised you are not a tea drinker-how stereotypical of me to assume everyone in England drinks tea. Thanks for clearing my faulty vision.

    How is the new grandbaby?


  3. These pictures are beautiful. I'll bet even more breathtaking when the trees are in full foliage. I thought you were a tea drinker too! Hooray for coffee. I love the old buildings and your hospital dorm reminds me of ones I have seen in the movies. Oh, I love the Walton part. I used to watch it all the time. I am so glad you got out when you could and took in the sights. I'd love to go there. Take care my friend.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. What a wonderful place to be "stuck" for 2 weeks. I am glad you were able to go so many places, but amazed that your knee stood the test that well!

    The crumpet looks wonderful and I love it that the Americans thought you were daft to take pictures - I would have too!!

    I would love to visit Bath when I get back over there - but will not be staying in a hotel for sure! I want to go and have something at the tea house - but I'll have tea!

  5. Coffee in the tea room with crumpets...ahhhh! I actually know what a real crumpet is and love them. Americans might find them a bit bland, but such wonderful pockets for all that butter and I, of course, loaded mine with blueberry jam. Yes, it looks deliciously English at both those tea rooms. Now I do NOT know what a Sally Lunn bun is so must Google.

    I'm glad that you were there with like spirits, Linds. I'm sure that it helped to have someone know what it is like.

    The story of the taxes reminds me of all the plans my friends and family are making to avoid some of the stiffest taxes ever known. My poor mother is in an awful state right now wondering if she'll be able to afford leaving her property to the next generation...sigh. Oh well, we will do what we must do.

    Enjoy the warmer weather...has spring also arrived in your own town?

  6. What a wonderful set of pictures for us to admire and visualize your visit. So, do you feel much better now?

  7. Thanks for the travelogue, Linds. So interesting, and likely the only way I'll ever see Bath.

    Have a great week! :o)

    Love and hugs,


  8. I literally jumped up and tried to squeeze through the monitor when I saw you at Jane Austen's house. I mean really really want to go there LOL

    And I have to tell you that I love your posts and I love the way you write, you always make me laugh.

    I enjoyed the visual trip, I'm a huge fan of England so it was a special treat to visit through your eyes :)


  9. Welcome back Linds (I'm only a little late...sorry). Love the pictures and the news...looking forward to more as you process.

    Crumpets look rather like our "English muffins" which case they are a rare treat for me as I love them and rarely have them.

    Have a blessed day.

  10. This is fascinating, Linds. It's been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember to visit England some day. How I would love to see all these amazing places in person.

    The houses in the circus thing just amaze me - 4.5 million? Good grief. And your "crumpets" are what we call English muffins here. LOL

    I know this two week stint was all about rehab and learning to cope with your leg, but I'm really glad you got to get out and take all the wonderful photos - all of your photos are just amazing.

  11. Dear Miss Linds,

    I am a first-time comment-er. I found you not too long ago, and have enjoyed reading your blog; your story, your struggles, your hopes, your dreams, your thoughts, your life......

    You are such a LOVE, and a delight. I pray God's blessings on you as your continue your journey, and to your sweet family, as well ~ especially that precious grandbaby.

    Grace and peace,

    Becky Terry

    P.S. Thanks for the Bath visit. So much fun! I really enjoyed it.

  12. I haven't been here to visit your blog in a while, but I have been to Bath and remember it all so well :-)

    I hope you are ok.

  13. You had crumpets? At Jane Austen's house??? Oh myyyyy goodness, how wonderful is that??!! hehe I'm so glad you were able to get away a couple of times and visit such beautiful places in Bath. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at every picture and I'm still awe struck by the circular ring of houses, that is so awesome! Never seen anything like that before. Bath certainly is a place I would so love to visit one day. Glad you're home safe and sound my friend. xoxo

  14. Here was me thinking that as you were in Bath and close to the Spa tht you would have been in an extra modern facility. As you say not so important as the treatment though.

    On our last visit to Bath we stayed not too far from that weir.
