Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thursday again.....

and we all know what that means! I am back from the IVG and today my veins were not co-operating, so it took 4 attempts before the canula went in, but hey, I am tough. They told me to expect a really bruised foot. Ok then.

At the moment, my eyes keep closing, so I will be off to sleep this session off in a sec. I did do a video of the worm thingy and this time kept the camera upright, so that worked just fine. They are all very amused by me and my camera. Such lovely people there. I am really lucky.

Today, before I went to the hospital, I went to a birthday lunch for my friend, Jackie - the one who has been with me at nearly all my medical appointments. There were about 8 of us, although I had to leave 40 mins into the lunch, and sitting around a table eating delicious home-made soup and fresh bread and cheese was absolutely lovely. A great way to celebrate a birthday.

And that, my friends, is that for now. One more of these to go and then I will be at Bath. They may start up afterwards but that is a long way away. There was mention of acupuncture too. Hmmm. It may be interesting.


  1. Oh Linds, I feel for you. Yes, you are tough.

  2. Four times!!! trying to get it right....and now they're considering acupuncture. I think they should, but on themselves, not on you.

    Patience and cooperation are admirable traits, but this has gone too far. I do not understand how they can consider this alright.
    They're suppose to be doing a helping profession. The first rule of it is to do no harm.

    I continue to pray.

  3. I'm glad that another week is behind you. It will be interesting to see what Bath has to say.

    Have a grand weekend.

  4. Well at least you have another session behind you, and only one more before Bath. Hope you recover quickly from this session and you begin to see some improvement so all the suffering is worth it.

    Happy Friday! :o)

    Love and hugs,


  5. How glad I am that there is just one of these left. Can you tell if the treatments are working? You've come a long way to be able to calmly film the process, Linds. You're a better woman than I!

    Rest easy now...

  6. Yikes. I get queasy just thinking about it!! You are amazing. When you go to Bath, will it be inpatient?

  7. Can't wait to see the video - honestly! Will it have sound affects?

    As always - I salute you and your inner strength. Sheer tenacity - my girl - sheer tenacity.

    Lots of love.
