Friday, April 24, 2009

Another week flies by...

The sweet sweet smell of Spring is beginning to drift over the garden. My lilac is starting to bloom!

How is it possible that another week has flown by so quickly? Today would have been my Dad's 86th birthday, and it is incredibly hard to think that it is almost 9 years since he died. It seems like just yesterday at times.

Tomorrow I think we will have pancakes for breakfast. It is Saturday, and I have a great many things in mind for the son to help with, so I do believe a little bribery may be in order. Pancakes should do it. And maybe the pancakes will inspire me to come up with something worth reading as well.


  1. Oh the lilacs are blooming...that's such a delicious time of'll be awhile longer here, of course, but I can report small green leaves.

    Pancakes...yes, that's the thing to bribe someone with. It always works for the one who requires bribing here.

    A good weekend to you, Linds.

  2. What a gorgeous picture of the lilac - we have huge lilac bushes, but they don't produce as much as I'd expect.

    Have a wonderful week-end!

  3. Don't you think someone could invent a smell-a-blog so I could smell those awesome lilacs? I remember when we lived in England that our charming, elderly,
    bachelor landlord would pick me bouquets of them from the garden. I had told him how much I loved the smell whilst in the garden with the children.

    Have a good weekend and enjoy those pancakes.

  4. Hmmm - pancakes - toppings?

  5. You are lucky to be able to smell lilacs already. We are just beginning to see blooms here and there.

  6. Practically every blog I've visited this morning is talking about their lilacs, including my own sister. I'm beginning to feel a little left out because I don't have a lilac bush. :-)

    Pancakes. That sounds wonderful. I think I'll surprise Rob tomorrow morning.
