Saturday, April 04, 2009

Ok then......

If you insist. And let me just tell you that I must have taken 2896 photos before I realised that if I didn't look at the camera at all, it worked better.
Now I am off back to the garden. The sun is shining and I need to clean a chair so I can sit down on it.


  1. Thanks for the tip - I will no longer look straight at the camera - those jowels just get me when I look at myself!!

    It looks good! But I was expecting really short. How much did you cut off?

    More snow here this morning - really wet, heavy stuff. It rained for awhile first - smelled and sounded so nice!!

    Did you get my e-mail?

  2. You look lovely! Your hair is still longer than mine, but several inches shorter than it was. This has got to make it easier to shampoo and style. What are you going to do with all your newfound time?

    Thanks for allowing us to bend your arm...

  3. Very nice photos, I never like my picture taken, I agree with you don't look right at the camera. Have a nice time working in your garden, it is still chilly here.

  4. About 8 inches came off. Lots!!!!!

  5. I like the new "do" you are sporting. The color looks fab too.

    I always say that I have earned each and every wrinkle. Just remember that those perfect bodies and no wrinkled faces of the young ones will someday be our age. Too bad we looked like that once and didn't appreciate it more.

    Happy birthday to you son - I'm sure he celebrated the day properly.

  6. You look great. I hate having my photo taken, it never turns out good. That's why the photo on my blog is a former church directory picture. It actually looked decent. :)

    By the way, my youngest turns twenty in November. I was just telling a friend it didn't seem possible. Especially since he was my "early mid life" baby. :)

  7. I love it Linds, it looks wonderful :)

  8. The new do is beautiful! You have such a beautiful smile and the true beauty of a person is their heart. Yours is large, filled to overflowing with humour and passion and generous - that's what makes you a marvelous person and friend. Enjoy that sunshine :))

  9. Wrinkles? What wrinkles?

    Lovely hair.

  10. Roger that! Look away from the camera - gotcha! Giving it a try.

    Nope - I tried and tried but still look like I'm hiding something (double chin, crows lines, bumpy nose, crooked teeth - oh yes and a few wrinkles) - sigh!

    I am starting a new exclamation and it goes something like this -

    'Embrace the Mary!'

    It's good to see that you are 'embracing the Linds'.

    Thumbs up to the hair - good one!

    The verification word is 'ocholag'. That's a 'cho' and a 'l' and an 'a' - Hmmmm, let's see? A few more letters and what do you have?

    CHOCOLATE - don't mind if I do......

  11. Eight inches? Oh my goodness, Linds! It must've kept you busy. I've never spent so much time on my hair in my life. I'm ready for another perm. LOL!

    (Dang! I wish that my word verification thingy somehow unscrambled to chocolate.

  12. Beautiful photos and have fun gardening. I'm still snowed in... I have decided I am allergic to snow lol

    It could happen... Hugs!

  13. Your new cut and highlights look very nice. Happy 20th birthday to David. Enjoy the gardening.


  14. You and your hair both look great, Linds. I hadn't realized that your hair was so long before you had it cut and styled!

    Enjoy your time in the garden, though it's early Sunday morning there by now. ;o)

    Love and hugs,


  15. I wanted to pop over and thank you for the encouragement you have been to my mom. I know she feels she's found a kindred spirit in you. BTW, the daffodils - fabulous!

  16. You've taken lovely pictures of yourself. I still hide in mine. Can't bear the neck. My eldest is 22 today. I never believed the people who said, 'Make the most of it while they're young, they'll soon be gone' and other similar doomy messages. Seems they were right. But we had a lovely day with him today.

  17. Lovely! Really lovely. I just think you have such pretty hair.

  18. I love your hair Linds, so soft and pretty. I get the same amount cut off mine each year and it always grows back for the next cut. It is the one "gravity" issue in my life that I don't mind dealing with:) I hope your gardening is going good and for a lady who is in such constant pain(your post above), you sure are beautiful and hide it well. I believe you 100% and am praying for you my friend.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie
