Friday, August 28, 2009

Bits and pieces.......

The sun was shining, so I threw on a t-shirt and jeans and went out into the garden. Then I flew back in, and put on the rest of the clothes piled up in the sewing room. All of them. It was COLD. Just because the sun was shining..... oh you know what I am talking about. The weather is crazy. Cold and wet the day before yesterday, hot yesterday, freezing today.....

Sigh. I have lost the ability to multi-task. You know how we women can answer the phone, continue writing a post, and compose a shopping list at the same time? Usually? Hmmmm. My family now yell - stop it now! You are trying to do other things while you talk to me. They know. I have to concentrate on one thing at a time, and girls, let me tell you, it takes FOREVER to get things done. The things I used to do at the same time.

I have had a slowish day after the manic one yesterday. The greatest achievement of the day has been the creation of a folder of photos to get printed. I discovered that the only real actual photos I have of Missy were taken when she was about 2 months old. I am a bad granny. So I selected 144 and trotted off to the shop to order them. Then discovered that their new machine could not download from a hard drive AND if I had over 150 photos, the price was half what it would be for 144. So I went and bought a new USB stick, as I have no idea where my old one is, came home, rejigged the folder to 155 photos, and went back to order them. We will not discuss how much petrol I used and the cost thereof.

My new USB stick is pink. You needed to know that. My friend, Jean, has orderd her new laptop - it is purple. I will have to get a pink one, won't I...... I am all about making statements.

I have also hauled out the quilt I started before we went away, as the weather is so dire. I anticipated a snuggly evening quilting while watching tv. However, my trusty phone beeped at me at 9am to remind me that I am out to dinner with friends tonight. I do believe this was arranged somewhere round the beginning of June, so I hope they have remembered!

This post is closely resembling my mind. I am leaping all over the place. This weekend, is a Bank Holiday weekend, so Monday is a holiday in England. There is one more week left of the school holidays, and David has another 3 weeks before he needs to be back at uni. And the summer will be history. How fast the months are going by this year.

(There is now torrential rain and a howling gale outside.) Oh yes, another sign of the ending of the summer is that the shops all have tulip and daffodil bulbs on sale now. Spring bulbs. How can it be time to think of spring flowers? What happened to the bbqs? I have hardly had any yet.

Right. If the weather behaves, that is what we will do this weekend. Have a bbq. In between the harvesting and cooking of the mega crop of tomatoes. The beans too are out of control. It is all good. The garden is sorted for now, and we have plenty of homegrown food. The stuff which was looming has been dealt with, and now I can look forward to the weekend.


  1. It's cool here as well. As a matter of fact, it didn't get 100 degrees all summer long (knock wood). I'm enjoying it to pieces!

    Maybe, just MAYBE, if you do only one thing at a time you will take it more slowly?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I know, not a chance.

    You can't blame me for trying...

  2. It was +27 degrees C here today - quite nice, I'm sad to tell you. But in Alberta it can change overnight! I'm glad to hear your garden is sorted out and good luck with the tomatoes. It's so nice to have them but having them all at once is not so great. I know - here the talk is all about Halloween already! I want to just linger and savour the moments instead of jumping ahead to everything else. Happy Weekend - I hope you get to work on the quilt a bit - after supper, that is!!

  3. I saw Halloween signs today - it really irritates me when we haven't even had Labor Day yet! Ridiculous.

    We were in England on Bank Holiday that trip many years ago - what a fun memory.

    Just do what you can a bit at a time!
