Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun with a toy dog.....

Today is foggy and damp, and I have just baked 2 cakes in view of the fact that I can't see anything outside, so I may as well stay indoors for a change! Carrot cake and cinnamon cake, so the house smells wonderful, and my son is totally delighted as he loves cinnamon cake. I am the Good Mum today.

You know, I always straighten my hair, because it is really wild if I don't, and I always wear make-up. But here???? I have resorted to wearing the hair tied up and out of the way, and no makeup except waterproof mascra, and a little lipstick if I am going out, because all I seem to do is wipe the lot off all day. Or it drips off by itself, and I can't tell you how many times I have come home and seen the racoon eyes in the mirror. Humidity does that.

Normally, I would have put on a jacket with a hood to go to the local supermarket in the fog, but today I didn't bother, and the hair is rising as I speak. Just as well I don't know many people! But it is such a change not to bother too much about what the hair does etc etc. In a sense, that is what holidays are all about. However, the miracle cream moisturiser is always in place. I live in hope of miracles.

Yesterday was a quiet day, and I played about with the camera and the computer. Marge has a little turquoise toy dog as part of the decor in her bathroom, and while we have been here, he has been moved, posed, and discovered a life of his own, so yesterday, amid much hilarity, David and I took him On an Adventure, and he went bungee jumping off the nearest bridge. He has been christened Bog Dog. It was hysterically funny, as people stopped to look over the bridge and see what we were doing, and must have thought we had lost our minds.

Anyway, we then came home, and I made a book of his adventures, and one thing lead to another, and he now has 3 books with a fourth ready to print. He has been for a drive, been to visit Marge at work, and been to the park. Forget the new hair look.....the people in the village probably think I am totally loopy.

If nothing else, it has made us all laugh, and the books will be great fun for Missy too. So here you go - meet Bog Dog! He has "special ropes" (elastic) for his adventures.

He is about to make his bungee jump!

Look at him go!


  1. Oh yum... cinnamon cake. Never tried it but it sounds absolutely scrumptious. Is it anything like spice cake?

    Sounds like you are having such a relaxing and fun time.

    Love the adventure and fun time you are giving Bod Dog too! I'll bet he is having the time of his life!! ;-)

    Happy Weekend...

  2. What a HOOT!!!

    I want a Bog Dog! You'll have to "publish" the books here so we can see them.

    And don't forget the cinnamon cake recipe. We'll need that as well.

    You might even throw in the kitchen sink...

  3. Bog Dog9:10 pm

    You can find me on facebook I am one of a kind, a very special dog.

  4. Okay...I am laughing out loud at the picture in my mind of Bog Dog bungie jumping. Too funny. The books remind me of the Flat Stanley that the school children make and then ship off to someone for an adventure. Very cute and quite clever of you folks!

    Baking sounds delicious - especially in that weather.

  5. What a good sport Bog Dog is!! He enters into the fun with wild abandon. I have a sense that he is going to be your little Granddaughter's good friend via your stories.
    I just love this Linds. I do so appreciate a good imagination.
    If I were with you, we could have a frizzy hair contest. Mine begins to frizz at the least hint of humidity.
    I hope you have a lovely sunny day tomorrow!

  6. Your son's favorite cake filling the house with such delight, and that adorable blog dog! Happiness travels far, all the way to USA Colorado.

    Good to be in touch again.

  7. Yes, and I know how yummy your cinnamon cake tastes, too. Just for a moment there, I thought that you were dropping real dogs off bridges. Phew! Wonderful to catch up with you a bit and to enjoy all of your beautiful photos...even the grandgirlie's back. She's growing so and never worry about her loving her grandmother. It's a given. Children are so forgiving. That mud bath for the feet back along looked wonderful. I want one!

  8. You are such a hoot! I love it.

  9. I got a real kick out of Bog Dog's adventures - I would have loved to see the reactions of the locals!

    I'm just discovering that I am at least two posts behind on everyone - what have I been doing??

    Thanks for coming over to visit -- Are you heading home soon? I know you'll be sad about that.

  10. Awww! Thank you so much for the laugh! I just laughed my socks off at Bog Dog! I LOVE him! I would buy his books!!! He's adorable!

  11. I love Bog Dog, & the adventures of his life will make wonderful books for Missy.
