Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow and plans changing.....

The best laid plans........ No-one can remember when last it actually snowed when the Christmas trees were up. Friday was chaotic - the last day of school yet 1000s closed because of the snow, teachers unable to get there, and treacherous roads.
This morning, after spending 30 mins de-icing the car, I drove very slowly to the neighbouring town, and when I looked out over the valley, it was so beautiful, I had to go home and grab the camera.
Our road never sees a gritter, so it was, as it has been for 2 days now, total sheet-ice.

But back to the best laid plans....
David managed to get to Andrew and Ann yesterday, even though Kent was dire, and the motorways closed for accident recovery on and off all day. And that is as far as he got. The boys, together with Ann and Missy, were due to come here for the weekend, but it is not a great idea to be out on the roads at the moment, and more snow, ice and temps below zero (they have not risen above zero yet) is forecast, so they are there and I am here. And wondering how and when David will get home. I am just thankful he is with his brother, and not stranded down in Canterbury.
So, I am baking. At least that way, I actually feel like a mother, given the absence of all my kids. And as the house is Christmassy and the parcels wrapped, there is not a great deal to do. These are the few chocolate chip and butterscotch cookies which did not fit into the 2 huge tins I baked, courtesy of Mary, from Owlhaven and they are superb. Maybe I should have realised that the 5 cups of flour would indicate a great many cookies, but they will be eaten, I am certain!
Gingerbread loaves have just come out of the oven, and the house smells like Christmas yet again, but the baking will have to stop. I am running out of tins. I would go and deliver cards, as people do here in the village - you go for a walk and pop cards through the letterboxes. However, the ice precludes that for now, so I may just go and read a while.
Oh - I have a new book called Rest by Keri Wyatt Kent. Note the title. I am trying to learn the finer art of resting/pacing etc. So wait for it.....I took it into the bath 2 nights ago, and after reading a paragraph or 2, I woke up to find "Rest" floating happily face down in the water. Sigh. It must be good, because I certainly rested! It is drying out as I speak. It will be a trifle wrinkly, but readable. I hope.
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. As much as it has disrupted your well laid plans, it is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! Those photos are just stunning.

    I do hope that the kids can make the journey soon, but it is wise to take caution with weather like that. Better they are safe.

    Enjoy the baking. I can almost smell the gingerbread here.

  2. It sounds incredibly cozy there! Wish I could sit down with a cup of tea and enjoy it right along with you. Butterscotch cookies sound so wonderful...

  3. Sounds all wonderfully Christmasy there, except for the no kids part. Hope they can get there soon!

    Cold here but no snow, although the northeast part of the country is snowed under with a huge blizzard. I hope we get some snow next week. The weather geeks are saying we may get snow on Christmas Eve. Yay!

    Merry Christmas, dear Linds. :o)

    Love and hugs,


  4. mmmm, all your baking sounds heavenly! I love that photo of the sheep by the stream, so peaceful.

    Reminds me of the biblical lost sheep :)
    Merry Christmas, Linds!


  5. Oh, that's too bad about the kids coming for the weekend! I know how disappointed I would be - even when it was the wisest thing to do. Your weather has been making the news here! Your pictures are lovely - and I can just smell the baking in your house :)) Too funny about your book! Take care - hopefully you will all be together very soon.
