Saturday, January 23, 2010

As requested, some photos.....

There was only one way to keep my mind calm on the way from the airport last week.

This is the ripple scarf. I have photos of the works in progress, but need to take more of the finished thingys. They will pop up here soon! My brother-in-law was here this morning, so I went out for a short walk, with the camera. Mum can't be left yet, so that worked well. It is another beautiful day, and it was -10C earlier. Much nicer in the sun, but most of my walk was in the shade, so the temps stayed down there somewhere.
My leg really hurts - more so in the cold weather, but today I discovered an advantage to the sub-zero temps. We go through the pain part when I step out the door, and then, after a short while, everything goes numb, and I can't feel anything at all. You know how your pants (trousers) seem to shrink and cling in sub zero temps? Well, that acts as a support. The pants clinging. See, there are hidden perks! However, when I come back indoors, the thawing process is a trifle painful. Pins and needles. Worth it, though!

The river is frozen in most places, but that makes it particularly beautiful. Most of the ice is covered with snow.

And a part of the lake is frozen too, I have no idea how the ducks survive - that water must be SO cold!
If you have been popping in here for a while, you will recognise the photos....I have my favourite places, you see, and I always go back to them. The sun only reaches the valley for a few hours a day. Marge's house gets sun for about 2 hours in winter.

I was COLD. And numb. And red in the face, and no I did not have a hat. I forgot. I won't do that again. I loved being out in the snow. I loved having a brief walk with my sticks. I loved the crispness of the air. The silence. The crunching of snowy ice under my boots. And the warmth of the house when I got back too.

Nap time, now that I have thawed.


  1. Those are pictures that belong on postcards, Linds. I love seeing the pics that you take while visiting. Yes, be sure to wear that hat next time. Brrrr.

  2. It's just amazing that places that beautiful are real. Those are some of the most gorgeous photos I've ever seen and I'm envious that you can see such beauty when you want to.

  3. Nooo, I've been coming here for a long time now and I don't recognize all of your favorite always looks fresh and new and incredibly beautiful to me. I hadn't thought what living in the Alps would do to the sunshine...I feel as your sister does...about two hours of sun daily in winter. My ongoing best to your mum and your family. I know that you are taking very good care of each other.

    Wonderful, happy picture of you, Linds.

  4. Absolutely fabulous! I can't go out for a walk in the winter without a cap - earache immediately!

  5. How nice to see your smiling face, Linds!
