Thursday, March 25, 2010


The garden is becoming more interesting by the day. Just one plant, yet so much activity around it....
I can't tell you how many photos I took of bug type of things. So many bees, and so many ladybirds.....

90% of the photos, I hasten to add, were blurry or of nothing identifiable at all. But there were one or 2 which made it worth the effort!

The robin is still here, and has a wife, I think. Or 2. Maybe a harem. And then there are all the other small medium and large birds as well. And squirrels. And worms. And if the sun shines, I swear I can actually see the daffodil and tulip bulbs inch upwards towards the sun. I am spending way too much time out there just willing everything to grow, I think.

New shoots on the roses, the hydrangea, and the wild geraniums are growing as well. Shrubs looking so dead, now have little buds appearing. I love spring.

I need to get potting soil. I need to fill the seed trays. Plant stuff. I have the greenhouse to fill!

And don't you just love my favourite mug? I need coffee, people. Missy's other Granny, Ginny, gave it to me when she was born. It makes me grin - glamorous?? Hahahahahahah!


  1. Spring is such a beautiful time of the year in the garden. It is so much fun to see everything come to life after the winter sleep. I love seeing the dew on the pretty.

    CUTE mug. That should make your coffee taste delightful.

  2. Lovely photos! And I'm so with you on the coffee. I need about 3 cups each morning to start my day off right (although I rarely, if ever, have any after noon).

    How sweet of the other granny to give you such a great granny mug!

  3. I can hardly wait to see such action in our back yard - check out the latest post to see the condition of our yard right now!

    Great shots - worth the wait for sure!

  4. Oh to be in England now that spring is here!

  5. You are so far ahead of us here on the east coast of the US! I have a few brave sprigs coming though on the south side of the house but that's about it. Loved seeing your pictures with the Lady Bug and all the flowers. Great post as always!

    I read your other post too and can certainly agree with it. If you don't open yourself up to love you never experience the joys even though there are hurts and dents along the way. I'm still feeling the dent of losing little Skippy but then we ran into friends today at the restaurant that lost their son last month at age 37 and it sure makes my dent look small and nothing to complain about. My heart breaks for them yet they have all the faith in the world and are thankful for the 37 years they had him.
