Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Tossing out things......

There is something immensely satisfying about loading a car to the roof with things for the charity shop, isn't there. Jean and I squeezed ourselves into her car this morning, after filling every available inch of it with things no longer needed or wanted, and off we trundled to Emmaus, a local charity place. They also happen to have a restaurant as well, which is always good.

Diana has been having a clear out here of stuff from years ago, so that all went, and I am culling my book collection radically. Please tell me why I still have all the books I used when I was at university decades ago? Many decades. I can guarantee I am not going to be reading them again any time soon for light entertainment.

Seeing spaces on the shelves is great. So many more to go too. And as it has been raining all day, it is the perfect thing to be doing. I also shifted things from a to b, and generally did far too much today. It was also a "return to friends" day - all the things I had piled up to drop at friends. Things like the mini trampoline my friend lent me when I needed to do a series of exercises. And a little more space was the result. Space is good.

So I am feeling virtuous. Creaky but good. A soak in a hot bath is in my future to ease the creaking, I feel. Why do we have so much stuff??? Are your homes the same?


  1. The amazing thing to me Linds, is that it doesn't take me very long to fill all those lovely spaces with new stuff. I love clearing things out and that freeing feeling that comes with it.
    As I watch my elderly parents go through the process of having to finally really think about a much smaller place and getting rid of the accumulation of years and years, it makes me want to get down to the bare essentials some time soon!

  2. Of course. I think we are all the same way. I hate to throw something out because I am sure that I will need it as soon as I do.

  3. Yes, we are filled to the brim here too. I have been purging as well and it sure does feel good to get rid of things and have more space! My goal was to SIMPLIFY this year and to start by only keeping what we really need & use. It's amazing how light you feel when you have less "stuff" Have fun de-cluttering!

  4. I cleaned out the living room during the great floor re-do last fall and the empty spaces have been filled with the grandchildren's toybox, a little set of chairs and assorted book bins. But that's quite alright by me!! I need to tackle our basement but am feeling overwhelmed. I know - start in one corner, start little, etc. etc. but I easily convince myself to do something else instead! Enjoy your relaxing time!

    P.S. I still have university textbooks too - we are so alike!

  5. It will soon be 32 years in this house, with nary a garage sale. We have dragged out bags and bags over the years, but not enough. I would have my college texts if they hadn't been destroyed one day years ago when the basement flooded.

    My house is so full of kid things that it is ridiculous - wonder how many more years of that!

    The basement is on the list of things that desperately need to be done - one of the hot summer days would be a great time to be down there - if it ever really gets hot!

  6. Yes! And you know it because I spilled about the whole ugly thing. So much stuff and so much of it means absolutely zip to me. Love to do some major unloading.

  7. I think we all have stuff!

    Happy cleaning out!

  8. When we moved in here 4 years ago, we downsized dramatically from the previous house. It really was exhilarating to clean out and get rid of extra stuff.

  9. Our house also accumulates 'stuff' and knowing we have to moved it all back over the Pond next near has given me incentive to keeps tossing out/giving away that which we don't need.

    A heartfelt Belated Happy Birthday to you!

  10. Way, way too much stuff here, too. I recently managed to get rid of 40 bags of it (large carrier bag size), but that was just the tip of an iceberg.

  11. I blame my mom for the fact that I am a hoarder - it's in the genes!

  12. Yes. But on the whole I like my stuff.

    I remember reading one day that the definition of hell would be - not that we couldn't take it with us - but that we had to!

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