Friday, July 09, 2010

Summer is here......

So this is the new look for now then. I did actually look at about 5 websites for new templates, and then I lost the will to live. And there was nothing I loved enough to copy and paste and youknowwhatelse. So I popped a new header on instead, and the colours look fine, and match and it looks like summer to me, so we will stick with this.

Actually, "popped a new header on" is a blatant lie, people. It involved much screeching for David's help, and text wrapping and then I left him to it and went to water the garden. Whatever. I have a header.

And here I am, typing with an orange ice-lolly in my left hand. It is HOT here. We are in the middle of a heatwave, and temps this weekend will be in the 30s, which, for England, is very high. I know this sounds relatively cool to some, but there is no such thing as a/c in houses here, unless you are very rich indeed. And that precludes me and just about 99% of the population. With humidity tossed in, lying on the tiled floor of the kitchen becomes an option to be seriously considered. Of course, there is the possibility that one may never get up off the floor again as well.

Now, seeing that I cannot muster a single coherent thought, I am off to stick my head in the freezer to cool down. And yes, I do remember whining about the cold just a few months ago.......


  1. My four year old is whining that she is hot and sweaty and doesn't like summer because she doesn't like it HOT, and wishes it was winter as she likes winter and especially SNOW.

    And I like the new header, which I think is summery but with enough autumn tones for you not to need to change it again for a long time!

  2. I really like the fresh new look. It's very pretty!

    Off to visit Barry's folks today. I hope Colorado is cooler than Idaho.

  3. You're right. Lying on the cold kitchen floor would be a good idea. Except, I'd' have to clean it first. And that would take effort. Why is life so complicated?

  4. Nice to be able to read your blog again! I was fighting with red writing on a baby kak coloured background.

  5. Congrats to David! He did a beautiful job with the header...I thought that you had purchased a blog package. It looks delightful in here. I really don't mess with sites that offer free backgrounds once they're having troubles with their hosts. Too much of a pita.

  6. Come to Edinburgh. Dull. Faint drizzle. Cats not happy. I prefer it to 30 degrees, though.

  7. I am sorry you're having such a heat wave. I really do not like heat and humidity. I've decided I am not a summer person at all - I like the structure of the school year!

    Once again, though, you have brought a smile to my face with your way with words.

    Had a nice visit with Becky today, and a short on with my brother. We'll have more time together Tuesday night when they come for sinner.

  8. Me again - I keep forgetting to tell you that I love the new look.
