Monday, November 29, 2010


29. The fabric stash that never runs dry.

I love fabric. I love looking at it and contemplating all the things I could make. I like to feel it - the different textures, and weights.....

I have the stash to end all stashes in this house. So much fabric. So much that I can't actually see it all. I need to get it sorted and into colours and types. Sigh.


This afternoon, I managed to find a collection of Christmas fabric - not all of it by any means, but more than enough, and I cut out some bunting for the beams in my kitchen/family room. I may just have got a little carried away, because I do believe I have enough to decorate most of the village, and as I have mentioned before, this is not a small village. At all.

I have made it double sided - using contrasting fabric, and I just sewed the two pieces (x 1098478547) together, and will use the pinking shears to neaten the edges, and then sew the bias binding along the top. It will be great.

For good measure, I strung the crocheted stars on cotton, and the first garland is up and it looks lovely. Exactly how I visualised it. Bright and pretty. I have another done, but can't decide where to hang it, so that can wait till morning. Then there are the snow flakes to do too. I am running out of places to put all these things, but what fun I have had making them!

The snow is falling again, and the temps are plummeting. It is cold here, people. COLD. So what a lovely way to spend the day, snug and cosy indoors, with my stash. If I spent 12 hours a day sewing for the next 30 years, the stash would have a mere dent in it.

But oh, the possibilities!


  1. ...and then some day when you are gone, your little one will gather her Grandmother's stash and make it her own and discover the many ways she can use it to brighten her world on a cold winters day. At least that is how it worked with me and my Grandmother.

  2. imagine all of that sewing time is heavenly.

    I can't wait to see what you have created.

  3. Oh and shall we get to see the garland strung and the crocheted snowflakes adorning your tree? Hmmm??? I just began with the fabric collecting and am shocked how much I now have. Much of it was gifted to me, but I have also learned that it is best for me to stay away from fabric stores. Oh the possibilities indeed! Stay warm and cozy...

  4. I'd love to sit in your cozy spot and have a cup of tea with you - but a picture will have to suffice - okay?? I heard London got slammed with snow last night. Good thing my family members got out when they did.

    I haven't sewn for years and used to all.the.time. I went to a fabric section to make a mere tail for Care Bear's halloween costume - the urge started to come into my being. So far, no time to nurture the urge.

    Have a wonderful day! Or I guess yours is mostly over now.
