Friday, February 04, 2011

Oh, the wind.......

I have just been trying to repair tears in the plastic greenhouse caused by the howling gale. You do not want to know. This greenhouse is just a year old. I am not happy. And it now has the Orphan Annie look - all I could find was packaging tape. Me in slippers and on top of my kitchen stool with hair perpendicular to the top of the head. The wind. Kitchen stool now covered with mud. And this wind is freezing. Freezing, I tell you. I do not anticipate much being left of my beloved greenhouse. It is now making ominous sounds.

So every now and then I bundle up and out I go to check. I need this greenhouse.

I grow things. My fragile plants are in it.

Oh well. We are used to challenges round here.

Today, I assembled an Ikea filing cabinet. One of the small ones. Then I went through my sewing room, collecting all the paper, and got that sorted in the new filing cabinet, so I could free up a couple of shelves. Actually, I need a few filing cabinets, but I have nowhere to put them, so will make do with the one. In the process, I tossed out a mountain of paper. All my lesson plans and papers from school, and all the resources, because there is no way I will ever be teaching again, so they are gone. That felt really good, I have to say. The definite end of a chapter.

The words "sewing room" are inaccurate, actually. Maybe I should refer to it as the craft room or studio, because I have all my craft things in there, and masses of books which need to move, and woodwork things, and scrapbook stuff, cuttlebug, and then all the sewing things. And wool. And ribbons. And bias binding and rickrack. No, not one or 2 of each. MOUNTAINS. Oh, and doll's house things too. Did I mention the huge house waiting to be assembled one day? Hmmm. I got that when I was running the doll's house shop in the village many moons ago.

See? My studio. It needs to be 5 times the size. Or I need to get organised. Or I need to use up all that stuff.

And that has been the day. Papers and wind and packaging tape and greenhouses.

The book, by the way, is called The Christmas Cookie Club and it is by Ann Pearlman. Light and easy reading.


  1. Good luck with the greenhouse and the wind and the filing cabinet. I'm constantly reorganizing and like you I had saved my teaching stuff for years. I now have just a few small boxes of things too good to throw out but so far have not found a young teacher to give them to. It did feel good to get rid of most things though. I agree with you.

  2. Sorry about the greenhouse and hope that you are just given to hyperbole and that it'll be fine in the morning. Oh I so remember getting rid of all my teaching supplies...all the plans, the things, the terribly creative bulletin boards (I'm given to hyperbole myself). It did put the period at the end of the sentence for me as well. Sigh.

    That's it! I need more filing cabinets. At least two more...perhaps I could stack them to the rafters.

  3. I bet your granddaughter would/will love that doll's house... Every little girl's dream.
