Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It is cold here again. It seems that winter is in no hurry to depart. Wet too. grey. The kind of weather no-one likes.

I had a list of things to do today, and while I seem to have been moving all day, somehow half of it remains undone. Sigh. I did learn about cross crawling this morning though. A friend is helping me with some exercises. Not crawling on the ground - but doing the kind of thing soldiers do when they march. You know - opposite arms and legs moving.


I used to be able to do this without thinking, but we are trying to retrain the brain. You would roll with mirth if you could see me. SO frustrating when you get out of sync. And I do. Frequently. Things like "midline" and "crossing it" have become a challenge. But I am working on it.

The strangest thing happens when I try these sort of exercises, you know. Every nerve in my body starts prickling. That is the only way I can describe it. Like pins and needles only sharper. As if the wretched things are trying to stop me. They are confused. So I "soldier on" with the prickles. Then the hair starts standing on end.

Oh well. I will win in the end.

On to more mundane things. I have wrapped up Missy's presents for her 2nd birthday. Two years old. She is a real little girl now. Not a baby any more. And strong willed too. (She says with a grin - remembering 3 strong willed children she had to deal with in years gone by!) But so cute and so gorgeous. Not that I am biased or anything. I do love my granddaughter.

And after a short trip to the supermarket with the classy coffee shop, (yes, I stopped for coffee and a bite to eat) (and patted the laptops) Glynis popped in for a visit. That was lovely. And I have just spent the past 2 hours on the phone discussing my slow-as-a-doped-snail internet speed with my broadband supplier and its arch rival. It may be time for a change.

So my day has been unremarkable. I forgot to wash my hair. I also forgot to start the washing machine. I did not vacuum the appalling carpets. Nor did I clean the floor in the kitchen. I did not get any more photos scanned. I did finish a small sewing project. I did eat a couple of chocolates. I did drink copious amounts of coffee.

Good things and unimportant things. The bits that make up our lives, and give it colour. Perhaps my day can be called soft jade. Not bright and not dark. Neutral. Sort of. Hmmm. Colours. I wonder if I can make a rainbow in a week. Colouring days. Now that is an interesting thought to be pondered.

Maybe tomorrow.

Right now, I am going to go and watch CSI and forget the list. It too can wait for another day.


  1. Today sounded lovely. Just lovely.

  2. I have had many days like that lately - busy but at the end of the day still so much to do! But I have really done lots of creative things since the New Year and that makes me oh, so happy. Good luck with your exercises!

  3. I like the idea of coloring days. Hmm....this just might catch on in blogland.

    I can't believe Missy is two already. I was sorting through some of my older pictures today and came across the one that I took when you were waiting for her birth. It was of the word for the word verification for comments. It said "blessed." I almost sent it off to you. It was just so perfect. She has certainly blessed your life.

  4. I had big plans to get done today - clean the fridge, finish the laundry. Nothing got done - Kristen was sick again, and the kids are too - which I had to deal with here. Didn't get a cotton pickin' thing done. Oh, well! I hope tomorrow is better.

    I wish we could see a picture of Missy, but I understand. Two and three are such fun ages. Do you get to be with her for her birthday?

    The prickly nerve endings sounds dreadful!

  5. Hubby and I were just discussing this morning how dark and damp our winter has been this year too. Just enough sunshine to "tease" of brighter days.

    Maybe the weather has an impact on our memory? I forgot to start the dishwasher last night leaving dishes being washed by hand for breakfast this morning.

    But your words have brought new perspective to even that task. Going back to the simple things of life... mostly unimportant but mostly good.

    Once again, thanks for such fresh perspective to get yet another day under foot here.

    (I can't believe your grand daughter is already 2! Where does the time go?...

  6. Dark dreary day always make me feel like doing...nothing! lol Isn't it amazing how we can be "busy" all day and yet we don't seem to have accomplished anything? I brought my mom out shopping today and although it was cloudy, it was actually mild so it was lovely to be out. Felt good not to feel the frigid winds nipping at you!!

    Wish I could have been a fly on the wall and watched you exercising! lol I haven't done any proper exercises in a couple of years and I can well imagine what I'd look like attempting it now! OY!

    Hard to believe your little granddaughter will be 2 years old already. It's like mine, 2 1/2 years old already and quite the little person:-)

    Coloring days...I love that idea!! xoxo
