Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well.... let me see if I can still remember how to write here. It has been longer than I thought, though if you could see the state of my house you may well understand.

I decided, in a total moment of madness, that despite the fact that I still have a piano sitting in the middle of what is destined to become my study, I would start shifting things. Given that the new study is approximately 2 metres by 2 metres (just think 6ft x 6ft and yes, that was the size of my kitchen when we moved into this house) and there is a piano parked in the centre, you may see the problem. Pianos are not known for their smallness.

Is smallness a word? It is now. It will do.

So, after the trip to Ikea on Monday and the acquisition of 2 new Billy bookcases, and the repositioning of 2 Benno bookcases as well, I now have a wall of shelves. And I needed to cull the book collection which occupied 2 walls of the old study area which is going to have a breakfast nook thingy in it instead, to get the huge table out of the centre of my kitchen, and ....

It is like dominoes.

All the books which are not craft books move out of the sewing room. All the books move out of the study into the new one. So I have heaps of books which will go to the charity shop, and heaps waiting to be sorted, and heaps I have no idea what to do with. I may just stack them in the centre of the lounge and drape a cloth over them.

So, when I get tired of shifting and sorting, and there are no plants to water or transplant to distract me, I sink onto the couch and into a stupor.

And we will not mention the 3 cupboards of papers and photos and STUFF which I have to find a home for either. The 2 tables which will be my new desk are on top of each other behind the piano. And right now, I have declared today to be a "do nothing" day. I have been to church and made lunch and That Is IT.

But finally, the sewing room has shelves which are were empty, which means I can get in there (in 10 years time) and sort things into logical and accessible places. Order. And stop laughing, those of you who know me - I am on a mission. Or I will be when I can muster the energy to continue with the quest. Maybe. And the books are on the new shelves. Oops. I just remembered that I have not anchored them to the walls yet.

So that has taken a great deal of time. And the sun has shone, so I have been in the garden. And friends dropped by so we had a BBQ , and Jean is staying while the honeymoon couple honeymoon in her house. Life is never simple round these parts. Not to mention the fact that these things I have to wear in my shoes (6 hours today) are fine when in but diabolical when out, and are creating more problems with my little toes, which hitherto have been JUST FINE thankyouverymuch. Groan.

Today, there is a howling gale, which is stripping my baby teeny tiny apples off my tree which is not making me happy at all. And my greenhouse is threatening to take off for Latvia or some such foreign part. The wind is drying things out incredibly too.

So here I sit in the middle of total chaos. The recycling bin is full. The charity shop pile is resembling the leaning tower of Pisa, and I am clean out of energy. Or the inclination to do anything, to be truthful. Coffee, and couch time, I do believe. There must be chocolate somewhere aroudn here....

I will be back with photos once I can find the camera under the STUFF.



  1. Sounds very familiar at the moment. We have books and musical insruments everywhere since we had a big water leak. One day we will be straight again.....

  2. Oh but just think how wonderful it will be when you've done! I'm SO impressed with the amount of STUFF you seem to be managing to get rid of. So chin up - you're an inspiration!

  3. Goodness, that all sounds fun...

  4. Sounds a familiar situation. One small change leads to............!

  5. Wow, I had no idea you were on such a mission to change your house around. I hope you're not overdoing it, but it doesn't sound as if you're being careful! You rascal. But as usual, I love your sense of humor and your way with words.

    We've had a bit of sun for a change, so that's good. My house is a disaster since the kiddoes have been here way too much this week. And now school is out for the year - yikes.

    I thought you got rid of everything possible during the de-cluttering frenzy we went through in April. I haven't reached the basement yet, and have run out of motivation!

    You might enjoy the story about my dear little grandma that I wrote for my last post, so stop on by if you have a minute!

    Have a great week!

  6. I am so very impressed. The energy required to do all this to even think to do all this is astronomical. Good idea to regroup today and start fresh tomorrow. Hope that you get to see foot doc in the next couple of weeks for a follow-up.

  7. Nicely done!!! I love the feeling I have after I've done a fair amount of organizing. I especially love seeing a leaning tower of stuff to get rid of! Purging is so freeing!!!
