Sunday, June 19, 2011

Zapping through the weekend......

Ah, the joys of ONE day of not having to water the garden! It also happened to be the day I thought it was a good idea to wash the bed linen. I have no idea what I did with my mind. It rained cats and dogs all day, so the house looked like a Chinese laundry. The new word in decor, obviously. And the worst bit? I forgot to make the bed until I hauled myself up the stairs at midnight and saw the duvet and pillows on the floor. Not my finest moment. You'd think I would at least remember to make up the bed. The memory has a lot to answer for, it seems. Jean, David and I made a valiant effort to go down to the allotment and do some work early in the morning. Our effort lasted long enough to plant 3 pots of beans into the ground, and then the rain came back and we departed at speed.

It was also the annual carnival in the village, and so, in a way, it was inevitable that it would rain. This year I did not make any effort whatsoever to go and partake of carnival delights. Not even the promise of tea and scones at Jean's could prise me out of the house, and when Peter and Glynis arrived for tea, my reluctance to go out proved to be a great idea after all. I am a fair-weather carnival person. I am also no longer watching children in parades or on floats. And if the carnival organisers would bring back the tea tent, I may be persuaded next year, but the absence of the tea tent has Consequences. I have nothing to lure me there.

Last night, Pastor Katherine Ruonala from Australia spoke at our church, and she was absolutely wonderful. We got there at 7pm, and we left at 11, and there were still people there. It was such a special time. She tours the world speaking in huge stadiums (ii?) and yet also comes to little churches too. All she needs is an invitation. If she ever comes anywhere near you, do try to go and listen to her message. So powerful, and yet so simple, and full of joy. She was there at our morning service today as well. It is like having your soul plugged into an electrical socket and getting recharged. Wonderful.

I have just dug up another few pots of potatoes. I need to plant other stuff in the pots, because I am beginning to be irritated by seedlings still loitering about in the greenhouse. Yet 3 days ago, I planted more marigold seeds. What was I thinking of? I have had to move a few more pots of courgettes and gem squash to the front of the house. The gem squash was creeping through the flower beds, and the courgettes were elbowing the tomatoes and flowers out of the way. So the garden is on the move. I am quite happy for the gem squash to wander round the driveway. You know how at the start of spring, you can line all the pots up close together and plant seeds? Well. We are now at the "move two thirds of the pots out of the way to let the one third breathe" stage. Everything is overflowing. And then the dilemma arises - what to do with the other two thirds. Groan. Whenever David pops his head outside, he gets to trot around the garden shifting stuff. Then shifting it back, because I just can't decide what goes where. He has taken to hiding, because if he is not shifting pots, he is carrying buckets of water from the bath to the water butt. Here we are back on the water butt subject again......

Maybe another cup of coffee would help...............

It is Father's Day today, of course, and it is inevitable that thoughts of fathers no longer around flit through our minds. I remember so many Father's Days celebrated over the years! Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads out there, especially my son, who is a fabulous Daddy for little Missy. She is one lucky little girlie.


  1. I am so with you on parades and carnivals, etc. There are some rides out north of town this week that are enticing the girlies - grandma and grandpa not so much!

    We had our huge hymn sing last night. It was not a very nice day, but it turned out to be a glorious evening of wonderful songs.

  2. BTW, I do that with my bed all the time! I am tired and ready to crash when I discover that I've stripped the bed and forgotten to make it as the day went by. Aggravating!

  3. Rain on the carnival???? How dreadful! I am with you and carnivals. I only go if it is required.

    It sounds as though you are feeding the village with all that you have going on in the garden.

  4. I always pull my bed apart - and don't get it remade until I want to crawl in again! It is really quite unbelievable how alike we are!! It is a rainy weekend here too. I set out 20 tomato plants on Friday evening and they nearly drowned yesterday in the downpour. They will have to be hardy to survive and thrive. IT was not a good weekend for celebrating birthdays! We had 11 kids (under the age of 8) and 13 adults here for Blake and Naomi's party but we were confined to the house. He never got a chance to use the kids' pool that was his gift. But we did have new potatoes from the sack project for supper with the BBQ burgers - and a creamsicle cheesecake :)

    I've loved reading your posts this weekend, my friend. Congratulations to David - I remember calling you when he was just heading off to school - how did that time fly by so fast?! And yes, it will leave a hole in your life, especially when he moves on to a career or to another place. But God opens doors and sends new opportunities, doesn't He?

    ((( HUGS )))

  5. Yes, the shift in father focus is evident here as well. Mine has shifted to my son in his role as dad.

    Oh, if I could count the times that I've forgotten to make the bed and find that it's now bedtime and I'm staring at a mattress pad and nothing more. Oh, it is an awful moment. You have a way of making me remember the awful moments. ☺

    Sounds as if you are on overload and need some time off for good behavior, Linds. Don't tear another thing apart...don't plant one more seed. I bet that my sermon is in direct opposition to any pastor's.
