Sunday, July 24, 2011

And the sun is shining still at 8pm....

The sun has shone today - a miracle! And a very welcome one too. It has been a delight to be able to put out the cushions on the garden chairs and actually feel as if it was summer at last. Mind you, it is not by any means hot. I am still wearing a jumper, but I will take the sun, warm or not.

 Please note the blue sky up there in the corner. I can't tell you how beautiful the garden is at the moment. Photos just don't capture the reality of it all. The absolute beauty of all the colour. And the millions of butterflies and bees which zap around the flowers. Lilies are fighting each other to be the first to bloom - the next wave of colour and scent. I stand there and watch and they peek at me, and keep me guessing. Maybe tomorrow....
 Such joy it gives me. Simple things, remember. And yes, it is a little over the top, and over stuffed with things, but I love it, and that is all that really matters.
 Church, bacon rolls for brunch, garden, skyping with Missy - it all means smiles and laughter and joy. Remembering to find delight in small things, and above all, being thankful for it all.
 Because, even though it may not always seem so, I know how incredibly blessed I am. The past few years have been tougher than anyone could possibly know at times, but I - we- have survived them, and the grin is still in place.
And that is why things like my garden of joy mean so much to me. I can see beauty everywhere I look. The rest of the world may be the grey/black parts for me, but out there - a rainbow. Perfect.


  1. Color and brightness and beauty shout to me of you as a wonderful person, Linds! So glad you could enjoy summer in your special garden today. May your week be filled with His goodness and love!

  2. Anonymous10:52 pm

    How lovely your garden is looking, just the place for enjoyment and reflection.

    I wouldn't leave those covers out though, knowing our eccentric weather!!

  3. Lovely, beautiful gardens!!!

  4. Your flowers are so pretty, what a beautiful place to sit and enjoy the day...!

  5. A little piece of heaven on earth...

  6. So lovely, I need to work on mine...... I just got back from those temperatures in the US - on Wednesday it was 101F in Chicago and not much better in the other two cities we were in, Pittsburgh and DC.

  7. Your garden is so beautiful! I'm working hard on not envying you.

    I so understand your statement about the rest of the world being grey/black, but your garden being a rainbow. That's the way I feel in my sewing room! The rainbow of promise!

  8. Your garden looks as though it would be the perfect place to sit and enjoy such a wonderful day.
