Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sunshine lifts the mood.....

 I am not sure why Saturdays are so special, but they just feel different. And the sun is shining today at last. Not this morning, but since lunch time, and oh, how wonderful it is! Breakfast was a slice of the latest cake - the blueberry cake (with a few raspberries added in too) and it is just as delicious as the raspberry one of a few days ago.
 We needed the energy, you see, because I have run out of potatoes, and rather than go and buy any, I decided that David would do some digging. He is extremely good natured, although we both woke at some ungodly hour because the local farmers sprayed fertilizer on the fields, and so help me, the stench was appalling. He was not good natured at 5.30am. He zapped round the house slamming windows, and sleep was not an option after that. Thankfully, by 10, it was gone.
 And so we went down to the allotment, and he dug up 2 rows of potatoes. There were loads. I have to now work out how best to store them, apart from the brown bag thing in a cupboard, or whether to cook some and freeze them. Hmmm. The need for a big freezer grows by the day. The runner beans look great too - they are covered with flowers, which means plenty of beans will be arriving soon.
 I picked some rhubarb and cooked that when I got home, and that is cooling before it goes in the freezer too. I was about to chop down the broad beans, when I noticed that there are masses of new plants at the base - all with flowers, so these must be repeat producers. Or something. So I will wait and see what happens to them. And the french beans keep coming. The peas (the second lot) are podding too.
I love my garden. I may have mentioned this a time or forty.

This afternoon, I popped to the shops to get some freezer bags, and came home with a new bigger water butt. A bargain. And, I stopped on the way home to drop a book back at a good friend, and had coffee in her garden. Her husband has offered to install said water butt, so that is FANTASTIC. I David just has to move all the extra roof tiles and an old paddle ski and a ladder and old piping, and it will be in place. Ready to collect more water. I can't believe how obsessive I have become about water.

The doors are wide open, and I have been playing with a project which I can't tell you about because it is a gift, and I think I am going to go and fire up the BBQ in a minute, and sit under my apple tree and soak up the beauty. I was thinking - who knows - maybe I won't have a garden like this again. Not for a while, if ever.  Maybe I must remember what I keep forgetting - it is all about now. Today. That is all we have. Love it all. Smile. Soak it up and file away the memories. The petals of the rose will fall off tomorrow, so REALLY look at it today. Ditto for the other 297,893,065,938,902 flowers in my garden. Remember the scent. Examine the intricacy. Really see the miracles right here in front of me.

Accompanied by the smell of BBQ-ing meat, and a glass of chilled wine, it sounds a little like heaven to me. One question I have noted for when I get to heaven one day - why weeds? What are they meant for? Were they a mistake? And do you KNOW what bindweed does to a garden?? Hmmph. Some things are beyond understanding.

I hope the sun is shining for you too, and that your weekend is peaceful, restful and full of laughter.


  1. I so enjoy visiting Linds (I may have mentioned that a time or two.). There is such wisdom tucked into all the great conversation here. Cherish these moments. Even if we do have lots and lots of them left, there will never be another exactly like this one.
    Sending you wishes for a blessed weekend.

  2. I spent $6.30 on new potatoes today. Your potato harvest is a bargain! So glad that your son is willing to dig.

    Glad that the sun has returned. It always will and, we won't say this too loudly, so will the rain.

    Perhaps I should investigate water butts myself. Sounds like some new tush saving underwear or something. Ha!

  3. I'm so glad you received some sunshine today. If I could, I would be very happy to ship some of the sun and heat that we've been having here in Central Ohio! It's 90 degrees for the 5th day.

    Your gardens are growing so well. You definitely will be needing that freezer soon.

  4. The potatoes are so beautiful looking! And everything else looks so prosperous. I have the same question about weeds - and mosquitoes - and several other of God's inventions!
