Sunday, September 18, 2011


I did promise some photos of the change to Autumn in my house, and here we are ......
The lounge. See the footstool? That is MY place to sit (and fall asleep with alarming regularity), and next to it is my craft basket. Full of projects which I dream of finishing. One day. Soon.
 That TV looked so huge when it arrived, and now seems rather piddly. As in, I need glasses to see it properly. A sign of the rapidly advancing years, |I think.
 Mum has made most of the crocheted blankets. And I have just ordered another one which she is making as I speak.
 This is in the entrance hall. Well - the tiny space at the front door. A hall implies something rather grander than reality. I was just thinking that it might be fun to haul out photos of the house and post the four seasons next to each other. Hmmm.
 And into the kitchen/family room we go. The bowl on the table is full of tomatoes, and there are more in the garden ripening too. Not to mention the huge bowl I cooked yesterday which is sitting in the fridge.
 We even have autumn bowls!
 Excuse the mess, and the airers lined up there. I take them outside to dry the washing when the sun shines. A rare event. BUT clothes dry perfectly well in the wind too, and of that we have had a great deal. Behind the airers is a large box. This has been here for nearly a year. It contains the breakfast nook I am going to put where the desk is at the moment. Over there at the top of the photo above, in the distance. In the dark place with the white and orange granny blanket. I am sitting right there at the moment. It is a PENDING project. I need to get rid of the piano in the new study, then dismantle the computer and all electronic whatsits, and then take down my shelves, desk, cupboards and paint and ....... I am exhausted just thinking about it, which is why it is pending and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
And a view of the lounge from the stairs. I like this one best. It looks autumnal, doesn't it? Warm and cosy, with plenty of blankets to wrap around ourselves. Given that fuel (gas and electricity) prices have just gone through the roof here, the blankets will be very useful indeed.

I have explained the seasonal change here in my house before, I know - for me it is very simple - I have a large plastic box which is full of the autumn things including the cushion covers, and wreaths and garlands and candles, so I take off the summer cushion covers and pack away the summer flowers and bits and pieces into the big plastic box and put on the autumn ones. The blankets are in bags stored with the Big Plastic Box.  In December, we change again. But I have to admit that in December there will be considerably more than one box gracing the centre of the floor. Christmas things - I could decorate  the village. I LOVE it! Oh, and the bathrooms change too, to orange bathmats, towels etc. Soap. Nail brushes.

I have been collecting seeds from the garden for next year. It is so easy to do, and saves so much money/ I love it. There are envelopes with seeds piled up on the counter, and drying on roller towel. And I made a blackberry cake today, so the house smells great too. Not to mention that the cake is delicious, and heading straight for the hips. Tough.

I have just finished reading Radical by David Platt. I know a great many of you have read it already, but I would love to know what you thought. It blew my mind. I cannot stop thinking about it. And, even though I am not American, the pursuit of the "American Dream" is international. I just wish I could discuss it with some of you. Outstanding book. Life changing.

The rain is here, just as I was about to water the remains of my garden. It is dying rapidly. But it has been such a delight and brought me so much joy this year. And I have seeds. And next year, who knows what I will be doing................


  1. Anonymous7:14 pm

    How beautiful your "Autumn" Living Room looks, it's so warm and inviting.

    I can just imagine sitting there, all warm and snuggly under one of your lovely blankets.

    The only thing I don't see, which would make it perfect, is a cup of hot chocolate!!

  2. Linds, it does indeed look cozy and autumnal. In fact, it looks like the top of a sugar maple wearing its autumn finery. I love it! Now if I could just join you for tea and a slice of the cake. Oh my, 'twould be like heaven.

  3. I would love to join you also - let's have a party at your house! It looks lovely and inviting. I haven't made a move to decorate for fall yet - don't know if I will. It is such a pain with so many little fingers wanting to play with things that are not toys.

    I would love to see pix of all 4 seasons with your lovely touches.

    Your fruity cakes sound so wonderful - but I think I'll have to decline since I have promptly gained back most of what I lost almost two years ago now. I am so aggravated!

    Have a great week, friend!

  4. Linds, your home is so pretty.

  5. I love the autumn look in your home - in all my favourite colors! You've inspired me to get started on changing some things around. Your pillows and blankets add so much to the whole look. I'd love to drop by too - I could bring the apple cider :) May you enjoy a wonderful week, Linds!

  6. It looks lovely Lindsay - you are so clever having a white sofa, so you really can bring in all sorts of seasonal colours and everything works! However, in my house a white sofa would last about a nanosecond and would turn into a dirty grey sofa!!!
    Having seen the photos I feel like I've been to visit you at home!!
    Hope things are going well with you!
    Love Helen

  7. Washable covers. And they take a while to get grubby, I have to say. And Ikea sofas, so the replacements are mega reasonable!

  8. What a beautiful set of pictures of your home! I love the way you just pull the colors of the season in with so many different items.

    I'm not very good at decorating, and with grand children in and out so often, I try to keep everything very simple.

  9. I absolutely love your seasonal changes and all the autumn colours. Someday I would love to be organised enough to do the same.
