Friday, September 30, 2011

Sometimes a title just escapes me.....

Forgetting to take one's medicine is not a good idea. But at least it sort of explains why today is a very, very, very, did I mention VERY slow day. So here I am, waiting for it to work. Now would be excellent. It is nearly 2pm and I take it 3x a day so I am a little lot behind. Just peachy. Moving is a bit of a challenge.

The temperature in the car as I whizzed to the village this morning, was 31C. So, high 20s is a realistic figure. I was in search of BBQ charcoal briquettes. Not exactly seasonal fare, seeing that the Christmas stuff is now occupying the space where the BBQ bits used to be, but after a quest which took an hour, we are now in possession of enough charcoal to see us through the next month or so. Should the weather stay balmy, and should I therefore decline to cook. And I can always BBQ in the snow if needs be, of course.

The washing is drying outside - a perfect time to do all the linen, and I am in the mood for a nap. I finished the quilt I have been making for the past couple of months. I got a little side-tracked along the way, so it took longer than anticipated, but it is done and I love it. No photos yet, but soon. And now I am busy sorting out how to rescue a quilt I made for a friend about 15 years ago. It is well-loved and in need of some TLC. But it can be done.

I was browsing Pinterest a few days ago and discovered a gorgeous crochet pattern for a shawl using Red Heart yarn. Now we don't get that here, so can someone please tell me what weight of wool I need to use instead of red Heart Soft Yarn? Is DK right? Or must it be heavier? Then, because I am nosy, I popped over to Red Heart and looked at the yarn - oh the colours! The excitement! But it will have to wait for my grand Global Trot which is on the bucket list. I will be leaving home with 2 changes of clothing and 2 empty  suitcases. I have plans, people. I want to go shopping. (And of course I want to a) see my friends, and b) see the country too!) One day. Crayola 64 crayons - with the sharpener...... do they still make those? Fisher Price nativity set...... yarn.......fabric. Did I say fabric???? Absolutely NOT. Until the stash is gone. That leaves room for other stuff, of course. Like peanut butter chips - those things you bake with - HAH!! I will have fun. One day. I can wait. Then I saw the beautiful girlie camera bags at Epiphanie Bags and decided that I would HAVE to visit, you see, because my list is growing. Never mind the fact that I have yet to acquire the camera which would actually NEED a bag! This is the WANT list, not the NEED list. So it is just for fun. I like having fun .

Well, my friends, it is nearly time now to sort out what we will be BBQ-ing tonight. Or maybe I will have some afternoon tea coffee. Or bake a cinnamon cake. Or something. I need to move or I will seize up entirely. Happy Friday!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the pictures. I really enjoy BBQing in the snow...though not while it is actually snowing. I remember one year in OK we BBQ'd on Christmas Day.

    Enjoy the lovely weather. Hope the medicine kicks in soon.

  2. You can still get 48 Crayola crayons here - haven't seen the 64 boxes for a few years.

  3. Are you off next Tuesday then? It sounds as if the journey may be imminent. Lovely to make such plans. I have no idea about Red Heart yarn...sorry. Someone will, though, of that I'm certain. Put out the call in Blogdom and it will be answered.

    Enjoy your summer returned and have a pleasant evening.

  4. Oh, please come here! We have peanut butter and Skor and white and dark and all kinds of chocolate chips that you can take home :) I can find lots of other things to put in that suitcase for you too. We are having grand weather too - our first frost touched a few leaves of the cucumbers yesterday. That's really late for us! I still have tomatoes out - which makes me smile. Have a lovely weekend, my friend!

  5. According to Ravelry Red Heart Soft Yarn is a worsted and knits on 5mm needles, so you would need to aran rather than DK.
