Friday, December 23, 2011

Almost Christmas.......

I am, like most of you, speaking to you through a haze of flour. Baking. The baking is in full swing. And the hair is dusted with cinamon and flour. Nothing new then. It looks the same...the cinnamon colour is normal, and so is the white.

So how are you all doing? How are the preparations going? We are Under Control. I think. The wrapping is done, and there is food in the house, the tree lights still work, so it is all good. I must find the carol CD somewhere and put it on. I need to sing along. Loudly.

I can't stay to chat much, but I will be popping in now and then in the next few days to check on everyone and to say Merry Christmas, of course, but right now it is time to slow down a little and maybe go for a walk. Enjoy my family. Chat. Crochet another cowl. Read some Christmas Chicken Soup for the Soul stories....just what I need right now. Short, true, and heart-warming.

So, as I fly back to the kitchen to check on the state of the cinnamon cake I am just going to say that I am thinkign of each and every one of you often, and imagining you all all over the world, preparing for Christmas. Ad mz daughter, especially, who will have our friends from the village with her by now, which will be wonderful for her. It is already christmas Eve in NZ!

Have fun, and in case you don't get back here before Sunday, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!


  1. Yes, and if I don't find my way back here, Merry Christmas, Linds. I'm so glad that Christmas is just beginning!

    Wish that I were in a cloud of flour, but will have to content myself with fudge making now that the oven went on the fritz. It's okay. The kitchen will stay cleaner. ☺

    Love to you and your family and every good wish for a beautiful Christmas!

  2. Oh, do come see the house finished, even if you have no time to chat!

  3. Happy Christmas, lovely Linds, and very many good wishes for 2012.

  4. Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family, Linds. It's a wonderful time of the year.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and yours too Linds - it was such a pleasure to finally get to know you in person this year - one of the lovely things blogging makes possible! Hope to see you again before too long!!

  6. Lovely to visit with you today - come on over and visit me and my nativity sets (previous post) and vintage picture of myself today!

    Have a wonderful, lovely time with your family - will you be there or them at your house?

  7. Merry, Merry Christmas, Linds!

    We have gone Christmas carolling in our village, been to candlelight service, read and worshipped at Christmas Day service, spent a long (until 2:30 a.m.!) and very enjoyable day with friends and are now regrouping and cooking and wrapping for our kids who will be home tomorrow. The next day is Christmas in the Barn with my family. So much to be thankful for and so many colours of joy and peace in our lives.
