Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A cold wind is blowing.............

It is freezing here. Wind, rain, and SO cold. I do believe winter has arrived. It is time to stay indoors and bake I think. Anything to keep moving and warm, and make the house smell interesting. 

Here are a few snapshots of life around here......

 Our monthly shared lunch was at Jean's home on Sunday. I always marvel at how everyone brings different things and there is always more than enough of everything. We all used to go to the village church, but are now at churches all over the county, so it is lovely to gather together for lunch and chatter every month. (And get to cuddle very new babies - this one was born at the end of October, and my one handed skills are still active. Of course I can serve lunch, and eat my own with one hand. Can't everyone???)
 Candle number three was lit on Sunday too.... I love my Advent wreath this year.
 The ripple is growing, and it looks great - it seems to move - waves of colour. 
 Some of my aqua friends at our Christmas lunch yesterday. That is our teacher, Debbie, in the black and silver. She is amazing, and we all love her to bits. 
 Mum is still working away on her blankets for people in need. She is also amazing and I love her to bits too. 
And sons are also amazing. And OF COURSE I love them to bits too. And my daughter. This son learned how to bake cookies today, and did a sterling job. One tin is full. For now. And the kitchen smells great. 

My command of the English language seems to have gone back to basics right now. It must be the fact that my nose is cold. Ahhhh. I found my coffee. 

I have been thinking about which word I am going to choose for 2012. I have come up with a short list of 7, so I thought I may spend a few days going through reasons why each would be appropriate before the end of the year. Isn't it strange how words just pop up, and how each seems right, until you find another one which seems even better? This year, I used the letters and rest from a game like Scrabble and put the word of the year in the lounge. A daily/hourly reminder, which has worked very well. I will do the same for next year. In fact, I got quite carried away, and have words all over the place. 

The ripple calls, my friends. And so does the recession heater and fleecy blanket. I will be back in the morning. 


  1. Always good to train the next generation to bake. Your mom looks cozy and warm making blankets there in that lovely corner of the living room. That's why one makes blankets in December and not in August.

    My language skills are also slipping. I used the word "special" three times in one paragraph on my post today and never noticed it until it was way too late. Wait, maybe it is not too late. Forget it, it's too late.

    Stay warm, enjoy the ripple, and the cookies. It's fun to see so many people in the same home. Just lovely to see.

  2. Lovely Afghan you are making and the colors are terrific!
    A boy that bakes! He wont be single long if he keeps that up!

  3. I think you have a future baker on your hands Linds. He looks just great in the kitchen!
    I love the way your community gathers together. It all looks so wonderful.
    Keep warm (love that ripple blanket).

  4. As usual your house looks lovely and the people in it are happy!

  5. I love this post to bits!

    Often times, I'll be re-reading my post after several have commented and find typos and repetitive words, and then change it to sound a bit bitter, though too late for some who must wonder if I don't edit before I hit Send!

    It sounds cold! Everything except the aqua aerobics sounds so warm and cozy. I love that you get together monthly with the same people, who have scattered to different churches. Such a great tradition!

    And your mom does look so warm and cozy there with her blanket on her lap while she knits it. And the cookie baker - excellent!

    Have a warm and lovely rest of your day. Mine is still dark and just beginning. I will try to be good with my foot today! Tonight is the rehearsal with the orchestra - it will be long and grueling. I think I'll request a stool!
