Monday, April 02, 2012

J's are special.......

Today has been the day of the J's for me. The weather was supposed to be horrible but it has been sunny. Who knows what tomorrow will bring! So, back to the J's.....

Jean, Jenny and I went to the church for our lunch time slot in the prayer room. It was beautiful sitting there - so many things to do and see. Prayer was global and local, and you could build a stone wall, paint, draw, decorate crosses, do collages, read, listen to music, weave, knit, ....... so many things. I decided to paint, because that is well outside my comfort zone, and it was wonderful using the watercolours and seeing them emerge into something vaguely resembling what I had in my mind. It was so peaceful, that we completely lost track of the time, and when Adrian, our vicar arrived, we said we would quite happily stay another hour. Which we did. The whole thing is set up in the chancel of the church and thick velvet curtains keep the heat in and make it small and personal. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate were available  - an biscuits. Just wonderful. The whole experience is really special.

So Jean, Jenny - two of the J's.

When I came home, I spent time in the garden pottering and sitting under the apple tree. It is very sheltered there. Seeds are sprouting all over the place. I do love being in the garden. Hmmm. I think I have said that before!

Then Julia arrived for coffee and a chat - she is moving, and her house is on the market, so she has been frantically trying to sort through the house. Sorting books, CDs...all those things we think of doing and never get round to doing. We meaning me. Well, I have done some of the books and videos, but there is still so much to sort. Maybe I should think of it in terms of moving and that may get the booster rockets firing and we may just get some action around here. Rocket fuel. That is what I need. So we had a lovely chat about what she should get rid of or keep, and how our children generally do not want our prized possessions. The world has indeed changed a great deal.

After Julia left, I stacked the cups in the dishwasher and popped the kettle on and Jac arrived - the last of the J's. And so we sat in my chilly lounge - I did resort to turning the heating on at that point - one cannot entertain while sitting in coats, now can one. Actually, I think Jac never got out of her coat, now that I come to think of it. Maybe I should have turned the heating up a little higher. Oops. AND for the umpteenth time in 22 years, I realised that I had forgotten her birthday. This is now a real problem. I mean - she NEVER forgets my birthday and me???? I forget hers every year. My phone didn't beep to remind me, and I am now going to make a giant banner for my fridge saying "remember 7 March" on it so that next year I will be well prepared.

So if I ask you why I have a banner telling me to remember 7 March please tell me it is Jac's birthday.


My sense of mortification would be grateful.

So I have had a really wonderful time today. People make all the difference to my life. And the words flow so easily, and the smiles too. Sometimes there are tears, but you see, we SEE each other - really see. And we HEAR each other. Really hear. All the J's in my life are special women and all are so different. Each brings something really special into my life. And I am very thankful for each of them.

I forgot to take photos today. Well, I have got some on my phone but I can't get them off. I must get round to working that one out, but re-learning how to find things on my iPod is enough technological education for this week. I am also suddenly in the mood to rearrange the furniture, and so I am doing the wrong kind of pacing. Where do I put a piano I do not really want? In the middle of the kitchen????

I digress. My mind is going off in strange directions, so I will say good night and see you all tomorrow.....


  1. When you figure out where to put that piano, please let me know because I have the same problem! It gets moved from spot to spot, doesn't fit anywhere anymore, no one uses it and there's no resale value in it because of the cracked sounding board. And we have two new couches coming this week so the re-arrangement is proceeding.

    People - friends - visiting - taking time for each other - the very best part of one's life! I'm glad they filled your day. The events at the church sound very interesting and perfect for this week of reflection and preparation. See you tomorrow, my friend!

    And what is all this hoopla on the news about privacy and the UK government? It got a full 10 minutes on this evening's after-the-news interviews. I'd love to hear your take on it :)

  2. If people have TV's in their kitchen, you can have a piano in yours!!!

  3. Sounds like a lovely day with the J's. I have a piano - we would love one if it was in decent tune. I no longer play but one of the boys would. However even with only one working ear having it out of tune makes him crazy.

    The ripple afgan is lovely. Someday I will finish one...
