Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another beautiful day.....

Today has been gloriously sunny and hot, but not humid. Perfect weather, in other words. 
 So, after aqua(robics) this morning, I was out in the garden, and when my friend, Jenny popped round for a visit, we sat out there under the apple tree. Also perfect.

This is summer.

Jean and I went down to the allotment in the late afternoon to do some essential weeding - by then, my allotment is shaded, and even then it was sweat dripping from the brow kind of work. Weeds. I hate weeds. And weeding.
 And then we came home here and I did a BBQ of marinated pork steaks and a few sausages. I managed to cremate the sausages, which is NOT normal for me. I love BBQing and I don't usually cremate things. Oh well. I am out of practice. But there may be more BBQs this week. The lettuce and spinach in the garden are reaching the table daily now. The tomatoes and beans and peas are starting to form on the bushes, and the potatoes are wonderful. I have rhubarb and I have the first broadbeans ready to cook tomorrow.

There may well be a bean glut this year. Not to mention the tomato glut which is a certainty. 23 bushes/trees make that a certainty.
If the sun keeps shining, I may just be popping in here for short visits - I just have to be outside as much as possible. It is such a delight. Even if I do get eaten by something which causes really alarming swelling. My arm is not looking great, but the chemist suggests an anti-histamine tablet, so I am trying that. Just add it to the bottom of the very long list of meds I manage. 

Tomorrow, I am having tea with a friend who has just sent us all a text saying that we need to celebrate the sunshine! Oh yes, we do. So she is having an open house in the morning. I will have to leave for the aquazumba class, but that is fine. 

Sigh. It is already tomorrow. I need to head for bed. I hope the sun is shining on all of you as well. (Or that rain is falling, if that is what you are praying for, of course.)


  1. It sounds like a glorious time for the garden. Enjoy!

  2. I am so glad the sun is shining Linds and that your garden is producing so well. Enjoy the lovely weather.
