Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I said it would snow.................


I said snow was due, didn't I? I was right. It started falling gently before lunch and hasn't really stopped since then. At times heavy and at times not, so we will see what morning brings. It certainly looks very white out there, and I am SO glad it started snowing before I left. Mind you, I see Engelberg is due snow tomorrow, Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...........

It is possible to have a little too much snow. But I will be enjoying it for now.
These photos were taken early afternoon today, after my brother-in-law and I had made two trips down the mountain to the cash and carry to return bottles and vegetable boxes from the restaurant. 

Life is fascinating around here. 

Do you know how frustrating it is to have to zap through the C&C at speed when I really wanted to check out prices and look at everything??? I managed to pop some chocolate into the trolley, which could have carried an entire family lying flat, it was so huge. (And impossible to steer.) A cultural lesson, I feel. 


Remember those muddy photos of the preparations for the World Ski Jumping in December? It is starting to look like ski jumping weather.

And if you check back at yesterday's photos, you will see how much they have already managed to install. Some of the seating, tents, flooring, other things. I will show you what it looks like just before I go. I am sure there will be more to see by then! 

Do you know that it is possible to tar a road in the middle of a snowfall? I wonder if the British road workers are aware of this. I should have taken a photo of the workmen in the road this afternoon. Mind you, if they stopped work every time it snowed, they would be resting the feet in front of a fire for 6 months of the year here. They may not be able to afford fires in that case. The Swiss are a hardy lot.

This is the Kurpark with the first dusting of snow. I was on the way to the Co-op to buy the bread and milk.Trudging through the snow with my stick and shopping bag with the ancient black coat with the hood over the head...... I know you have the exact idea in your mind of the picture I made.......

I do think that the locals were a bit amused by the fact that I thought their snow shovels were worthy of photographing. These are not piddly little things we see in the UK either. Serious snow moving stuff. I know. I have used them here before. Remember the ice bashing with David last year? Well, he did the bashing and I watched. With the camera. 

And then I wandered over to meet Marge along the river. Hasn't the scene changed? It just looks so lovely in all seasons. To me, anyway. 

So we have snow.

 And now on to the delight I had reading all your comments this morning! Thank you all for taking the time to say hi from all over the place. I know how hard it is to try and find the time to comment and I really appreciate seeing all your names pop up. Such fun! Susan, I really miss knowing the other Susan is not in Switzerland any more. It was always so lovely to know she was here, and I loved meeting her. In fact, meeting up with blogging friends has been wonderful, in my experience. 

All of you - Tigger, Lindie, Isabelle, Sam, Linda, Susan, Vee, Bookworm, Retha, Debbie, Sandra, Helen - some "old" friends, and some new, you are so very welcome here. And that applies to the others out there too, of course. 

My sister has just announced that Autumn will be packed away and Christmas will be put up in the next couple of days. A Decree.  I will endeavour to fight my way out from under the strings of lights and trees (there are a few trees here) and towers of boxes and emerge at the computer to report all. I will be the one wearing baubles over the ears and looking a trifle dishevelled. 

Oh wait - that is my normal attire........


  1. I love how quiet it becomes when it snows. It feels as if everything is listening.

  2. That looks COLD. Brrr.

  3. Hmmm. While I was writing this, my sister managed to pack away Autumn, and at nearly midnight, the Christmas boxes are arriving from upstairs. I heard a thud and thought she had fallen. It was a series of giant Rudolphs, descending from the attic. And the snow is still falling.....

  4. Oh I'm glad that it was Rudolph and not your sister! And I'm glad that you are there to document this decorating, which I always love to see. And, of course you shall help, too. Have fun, gals!

    (I'm still trying to imagine a road going in during such weather. No tarring of roads here past November.)

  5. Oh....that looks soooo pretty. I just love seeing it when the sun is shining on the first snows so I hope the sun comes out before you leave. Enjoy your visit.

  6. Anonymous1:32 am

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures! I enjoy your photos so much. I can't wait to see picsof the decorating! I am sure it will be gorgeous.


  7. The pictures are just so incredibly beautiful!

    You know just how jealous I am, I am sure ☺


  8. I love your photos of Switzerland - they just make me want to get there and visit! I'm wondering about the inventory and all the 'doing' at the restaurant - seem to be some changes afoot? And thanks for posting daily in November - I wasn't as successful. Always another time, I guess!

  9. That looks so beautiful! I wish it snowed like that in South Africa! Well, where I live anyway.

  10. Hi there,

    It's snowing here in Zurich but very wet gloppy snow. Slippy for sure outside. But I'm glad, I think it looks pretty, even if its tough to walk in.

    I miss Susan O. very much; we were in Bible Study together and it was a blessing. But that is life as an ex-pat ... one friend says it is life accelerated. You meet people quickly, grow to love them and then soon they are on their way!

    How long will you be in Switzerland?
