Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sometimes times are tough...........


You know how there are things we never ever talk about here on the Big Bad Internet? Like 99% of our lives at times? Yes. I never talk about some stuff. And I am not starting today either. Just so you know, my heart is hurting, my body is weary, and I wish I could make things better, fix things for people, and I can't.

And I have a hard time with that inability to fix things.

So today, I have kept moving, doing, making, painting, sewing, starching, pinning, writing, anything, in fact to keep my mind off other stuff. Waiting. Praying. Sunday has not been a day of rest. The bonus is that I got a lot done. The minus side is that I also forgot to take my pills and am 7 hours out of sync, but today that has been a minor.

The tags for the girls now need to have the backs written on - "Christmas 2012", then they will be varnished, and only then will I drill the holes for the string, and then thread that through and pop them in cellophane bags, ready to go. Nearly done.

I have 50 stars ready, including Missy's garland. I also have another 46 stars drying at the moment. WHAT POSSESSED ME? I made 96 stars? Hello? I am losing my mind. I think I will make hanging loops and they can either go on the tree or to the church bazaar here in the village. They cannot stay in this house forever. 96 stars. Good grief. I wasn't joking when I talked of the Milky Way.

The only thing I didn't do today was bake. Maybe tomorrow.

Life can be so cruel, you know. So can people. Harsh. But, as my daughter would remind me, we live in a fallen world, and no-one said things would be just peachy. I know. But I would settle for a month of peachiness just so I can rest and draw breath. Right now I feel every one of my not inconsiderable years.

But there is always tomorrow. There is stuff to get done, after all.


  1. So, words seem inadequate but I am sending you love.

  2. Thinking of you Linds and sending prayers your way too.You have been so creative and much more productive than sliding under the duvet.

  3. Reaching across the pond to give you a gentle hug friend. Life really can be tremendously difficult at times. Praying for you.

  4. Here's another hug from across the pond. It is so hard, sometimes, to care so much when you can do so little.

  5. It can be cruel. I will include you in my prayers.

    Meanwhile.....your work is fabulous! It's beginning to look like Christmas there.

  6. Sending warm hugs your way. Your projects are really wonderful.

  7. I love your galaxy of stars. Good for you for being active and creative; adding my prayers and a virtual hug to those above. God bless.

  8. Sending you lots of hugs and thoughts. Like you said, tomorrow is another day :)

  9. Okay, God knows. I'm sending up a silent prayer. Those stars! Oh those wonderful stars! They turned out magnificently.

  10. Anonymous10:08 pm

    Quite a firmament of stars!

    Thinking of you.

    Anne x

  11. Hugs! Sorry you had such a rough day.

    The projects are beautiful.
