Monday, November 05, 2012

Stars in the making..................


Yes, I know they look like flowers at the moment, but they will be STARS once I have pinned them out onto the floor and starched them into pointy things.


My head is about to explode because I forgot to take some medicine last night and now have to wait till tonight and you can't miss out doses. This is one of the kind where you come down or go up in small increments, and so help me, going to zero is a nightmare, if only for today. Aiyaiyai. 

I got carried away making stars last night. Correction,. The Milky Way. Or a galaxy or two. 

I started off in pastels - pink ,green and yellow, and every variation of them, and then I added a deeper pink, lilac and white, and while i was crocheting away, Vee announced that she thought she would make a Christmas garland...................

So off I went again. Red, white and yet to be decided green. 
It is a disease, you know - the crocheting thing. Once you start, you can't stop. 

My friends arrive home tomorrow early, so today I have been sorting out my stuff, doing the washing and trying to make their home theirs again. Dogs are not tidy and neat things. I remember now. The mud. It is a while since my border collie, Bailey, died. And from tomorrow, I will be home again. With all the full counters. It is cold, so I think the tomatoes can last till then. I have run out of steam. 

I need a nap. 

Or something. Maybe a head transplant.


  1. The stars are looking fabulous. Christmas garland....what a great idea!!

    I am sure you will be glad to be home again.

  2. They do look great! I decided to switch to crochet thread. I've linked here today as I shared my limited progress on my post. It seems helpful to do something with my hands, though a nap sounds better all the time. Hope that you get yourself back on a good schedule with the meds. Bet you can't wait for your friends to be home!

  3. I love them! Do you follow a pattern to make them? I can't figure things out without one!lol I'm visiting from Vee's and now I want to crochet! heehee!

  4. Pretty, pretty, pretty. You're right -- I can't stop crocheting either.
